14:02:55 From Deborah El'elia Tallarico to Everyone: Me too!! I follow the Celtic Wheel of the Year and that resonates most with me… but I understand the Solstice and Equinox points. 14:03:18 From Bethany to Sheridan Semple (she/her)(direct message): I *think that’s all that changes … 14:03:25 From Deborah El'elia Tallarico to Everyone: South is Fire for me for sure. 14:04:37 From Helen to Everyone: I came after the subject was broached but I’m in the South Hem and if it helps we just entered Summer on the 22nd Dec. 14:05:29 From Helen to Everyone: Ahh right. I have a sheet on that- I’ll send it to you! 14:05:44 From Helen to Everyone: I’ll dig it out 14:06:38 From Ilene Goldstein to Everyone: I start with East/air, new beginnings/sunrise, North/earth/ancestors West/water/sunset South/fire 14:08:13 From Deborah El'elia Tallarico to Everyone: Reacted to "I start with East/ai..." with 💖 14:08:20 From Deborah El'elia Tallarico to Everyone: ME too Ilene…. 14:14:08 From Michelle Burns to Everyone: New Moon also with asteroid Lilith 14:14:52 From Ilene Goldstein to Everyone: Reacted to "ME too Ilene…." with ❤️ 14:15:00 From Ilene Goldstein to Everyone: Reacted to "New Moon also with a…" with ❤️ 14:15:58 From Ilene Goldstein to Everyone: Replying to "New Moon also with a…" The NM is conjunct my Venus and Pallas 14:16:26 From Michelle Burns to Everyone: Replying to "New Moon also with a..." ❤️ 14:16:48 From Deborah El'elia Tallarico to Everyone: Reacted to "The NM is conjunct m..." with 💖 14:17:25 From Michelle to Everyone: what is your opinion on Black Moon Lilith (calculated point) vs. asteroid Lilith? 14:19:02 From Michelle to Everyone: Replying to "South is Fire for me..." me too <3 14:20:19 From Michelle Burns to Everyone: Replying to "New Moon also with a..." 'how to be the truth' has me think of Pallas Athene 14:20:44 From Helen to Everyone: Invocation of 5 Directions this is what I remember in brief but I’ll look it up to double check S.Hem: Face East, Invoke Air Face North, Invoke Fire Face West, Invoke Water Face South, Invoke Earth Set Intention of Ceremony 14:21:20 From Bethany to Everyone: Reacted to "Invocation of 5 Dire..." with 👍🏾 14:24:01 From Ilene Goldstein to Everyone: Fomohault was by my MC when I was born 14:25:08 From Deborah El'elia Tallarico to Everyone: Is the Moon Occulted or Saturn?? 14:25:45 From Deborah El'elia Tallarico to Everyone: THANK YOU!! 14:27:05 From Ilene Goldstein to Everyone: My power just went out! Using phone for hotspot 14:28:36 From Camille Sun to Everyone: Next Venus cycle will be my 8th Venus return! 14:29:39 From Lafae to Everyone: Reacted to "Next Venus cycle w..." with ❤️ 14:29:51 From Lafae to Everyone: Reacted to "Fomohault was by m..." with ❤️ 14:29:58 From Lafae to Everyone: Reacted to "'how to be the tru..." with ❤️ 14:30:48 From Helen to Everyone: So glad that was pointed out ♈️❤️‍🔥 14:32:17 From Holly Noel to Everyone: How does this influence those of us with the Aries overtone goddess? 14:33:45 From Holly Noel to Everyone: I just turned 47 haha! Do we now have Pisces as the overtone? (When this happens) 14:34:21 From Holly Noel to Everyone: Oh great. Thank you! 14:34:42 From Holly Noel to Everyone: Feels like a shift from fight to flow 14:35:03 From Camille Sun to Everyone: Who will represent the new Metagoddess? I’m going to miss Sekhmet 14:35:09 From Holly Noel to Everyone: 🙏❤️ 14:35:32 From Ilene Goldstein to Everyone: I’m in an Aries10th house profection year, Mars as my time lord. Progressed moon Aries. Squaring my Venus. Also the nodal shift to Pisces/Virgo, my MC/IC 14:36:14 From Holly Noel to Everyone: Reacted to "Who will represent t..." with ❤️ 14:39:28 From Ilene Goldstein to Everyone: Mars is already really bright and fiery 14:47:26 From Deborah El'elia Tallarico to Everyone: This is so fascinating! WoW! 14:52:13 From Deborah El'elia Tallarico to Everyone: And make a Vision Board!! 14:56:55 From Aunsheen Arianna to Everyone: And as Dre says signs I can recognize and understand 15:22:17 From Deborah El'elia Tallarico to Everyone: Does that mean that the over lighting Meta-God is shifting from Leo to Cancer?? 15:22:30 From Camille Sun to Everyone: Yes - Yes - Yes….thank you so much for your transmissions. So thankful 15:22:36 From Deborah El'elia Tallarico to Everyone: So beautiful Lace!! 15:23:27 From Deborah El'elia Tallarico to Everyone: So beautiful Lace!! Thank you for your tender sharing. 15:23:51 From Lafae to Everyone: Reacted to "So beautiful Lace!..." with ❤️ 15:24:38 From Saraeko to Everyone: Deeply 15:25:13 From Saraeko to Everyone: Deeply Grateful for this Venus Journey 15:26:28 From Ilene Goldstein to Everyone: New moon now! 15:26:36 From Bethany to Everyone: Reacted to "New moon now!" with 💜 15:26:37 From Camille Sun to Everyone: Reacted to "New moon now!" with ❤️ 15:26:39 From Helen to Everyone: Appreciate you Sheridan and Caylein - thank you for your insights, wisdom and this space 💖🌟💖Gratitude to you all 💕 ✨ 15:26:44 From Helen to Everyone: Reacted to "New moon now!" with ❤️ 15:27:57 From Helen to Everyone: Reacted to "So beautiful Lace!! …" with ❤️ 15:28:04 From Helen to Everyone: Reacted to "So beautiful Lace!!" with ❤️ 15:28:09 From Helen to Everyone: Reacted to "Yes - Yes - Yes….tha…" with ❤️ 15:28:17 From Marcie to Everyone: Thank you so much for everything. Brightest New Moon and New Year Blessings. 15:29:38 From Deborah El'elia Tallarico to Everyone: Cynthia… Which is the water Dragon and which is the Fire Dragon… I am in a Vedic astrology class with Dennis Harness and just getting ready to study the nakshatras this weekend. 15:32:10 From Deborah El'elia Tallarico to Everyone: And we are moving into the Wood Snake year at the next new Moon!! 15:33:34 From Cynthia E. Honores to Everyone: So beautiful THANK YOU 15:35:10 From Helen to Everyone: Michelle 💕💓💓💓 15:35:24 From Ilene Goldstein to Everyone: CHANI recently did a great video on YouTube with different Lilith energies 15:35:40 From Deborah El'elia Tallarico to Everyone: There are some books on Black Moon Lilith. 15:36:05 From Helen to Everyone: I’ve got some info on that somewhere Michelle which explain that, I’ll have a look for it X 15:36:09 From Michelle Burns to Everyone: asteroid Lilith combines all Liliths 15:36:15 From Michelle to Everyone: Reacted to "CHANI recently did a..." with ❤️ 15:36:40 From Michelle to Everyone: Reacted to "Michelle 💕💓💓💓" with ❤️ 15:36:50 From Michelle to Everyone: Replying to "Michelle 💕💓💓💓" love you!! 15:37:07 From Helen to Everyone: Replying to "Michelle 💕💓💓💓" Love you too! ❤️❤️ 15:37:09 From Deborah El'elia Tallarico to Everyone: Great gathering today! Thank you so so much!! 💖 15:37:12 From Helen to Everyone: Reacted to "love you!!" with 💕 15:38:10 From Lafae to Everyone: Thank you Cayelin, Sheridan and everyone for holding this space! 16:10:02 From Michelle to Everyone: thank you group!!!! thank you all!!! 16:10:10 From Helen to Everyone: Reacted to "thank you group!!!! …" with 💕 16:10:47 From Cynthia E. Honores to Everyone: THANK YOU … SO MUCH so happy to have been here for the New Moon … THANK YOU Cayelin, thank you Sheridan, thank you everyone ❤️