Star Third Eye Chakra – 2nd Venus Gate
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Spica and Arcturus article
Video with Zoe Flowers on the Eclipse Cauldron
Annular Solar Eclipse video is below
A 22 minute video with a focus on the New Moon Solar Eclipse
Be sure to watch the Video on the Brow Chakra before the live class replay.
Live Class Video for the Third Eye Chakra
Download Live Class PDF of Slides Here
Chat from our Live Class
13:59:07 From Ursula Hausler to Everyone:
It’s been an intense month but I feel the transformation happening on a deep level already
14:00:44 From Dianne Shepherd to Everyone:
In the cauldron!!
14:00:52 From Melinda Klotz to Everyone:
14:17:35 From Liz to Everyone:
We have moon venus exact at 4:44am Hawaii time!
14:17:52 From Ursula Hausler to Everyone:
Reacted to “We have moon venus e…” with ❤️
14:18:01 From caro luna rosa to Everyone:
Reacted to “We have moon venus e…” with 🥰
14:18:04 From Sonia to Everyone:
Reacted to “We have moon venus e…” with ❤️
14:18:29 From Ursula Hausler to Everyone:
Replying to “We have moon venus e…”
Oh I love this – 444 is such a divine feminine energy number for me personally
14:18:47 From Liz to Everyone:
Reacted to “Oh I love this – 444…” with ❤️
14:19:28 From Michelle Burns to Everyone:
Hekate is close to Juno. I see her guiding Venus to the underworld with her torches.
14:19:56 From Melinda Klotz to Everyone:
Reacted to “We have moon venus e…” with ❤️
14:20:26 From Melinda Klotz to Everyone:
Reacted to “Hekate is close to J…” with ❤️
14:24:30 From Sonia to Everyone:
Reacted to “Hekate is close to J…” with ❤️
14:26:10 From Liz to Everyone:
Reacted to “Hekate is close to J…” with ❤️
14:26:39 From Genevieve Chavez Mitchell to Everyone:
If anyone is near Albuquerque, NM or Belen NM, here is an Eclipse celebration invite.
14:26:41 From Genevieve Chavez Mitchell to Everyone:
14:27:00 From caro luna rosa to Everyone:
Reacted to “Oh I love this – 444…” with ❤️
14:27:14 From caro luna rosa to Everyone:
Reacted to “Hekate is close to J…” with ❤️
14:27:21 From caro luna rosa to Everyone:
Reacted to “If anyone is near Al…” with ❤️
14:28:05 From Isabelle Gargagliano to Everyone:
Reacted to “We have moon venus e…” with ❤️
14:28:23 From Isabelle Gargagliano to Everyone:
Reacted to “Hekate is close to J…” with ❤️
14:32:48 From Ursula Hausler to Everyone:
Reacted to “Hekate is close to J…” with ❤️
14:33:30 From Angela Benck to Everyone:
I just got this book for this course and have seen it for awhile so grateful to see this work woven together with this cosmology.
14:33:57 From Liz to Everyone:
Reacted to “I just got this book…” with ❤️
14:38:56 From Gwen Falcon to Everyone:
The solar eclipse is exactly sextile my Uranus, and the Lunar eclipse is forming a mystic rectangle with my NN/Pluto opp SN/Chiron (exact w/Pluto-Chiron). Interesting… 🙂
14:38:58 From aunsheen to Everyone:
you tech goddess you, Sheridan
14:39:53 From Sonia to Everyone:
Lovely thank you for showing it from Spain! 😍
14:46:31 From Melinda Klotz to Everyone:
Oh that gave me the tickles!! Just Beautiful!
14:46:53 From Sonia to Everyone:
Reacted to “Oh that gave me the …” with ❤️
14:49:58 From Genevieve Chavez Mitchell to Everyone:
beautiful affirmatiosn
14:50:23 From Béthany to Everyone:
Love the inclusion of the Mudra! Thanks for thinking of that! 🙂
14:51:34 From Genevieve Chavez Mitchell to Everyone:
She is also foundational to money as Juno Moneta!
14:52:12 From Alicia Love to Everyone:
Replying to “She is also foundati…”
I love that! 🥰
14:52:26 From Genevieve Chavez Mitchell to Everyone:
Replying to “She is also foundati…”
14:53:07 From Melinda Klotz to Everyone:
Oh Genevieve! You reminded me of some more things I found on Juno through Juno Moneta! I believe it had to do with Janus but I will have to dig through my journals.
14:55:10 From Melinda Klotz to Everyone:
Oh I love that! Juno is with my MC where Saturn is now and I feel this Sheridan!
14:55:24 From Angela Benck to Everyone:
Replying to “She is also foundati…”
Great share
14:57:26 From Ilene Goldstein to Everyone:
Juno is conjunct my Sun, Mercury, BML and NN in Sagittarius 6th house placidus
14:58:16 From Melinda Klotz to Everyone:
Omg! I love that Ilene🥰🤩
14:59:07 From Genevieve Chavez Mitchell to Everyone:
I will finally be publishing my book, Sacred Money: The Power of Heart Centered Finance in January, right after the solar plexus class! January 25 is Launch Day!
14:59:33 From caro luna rosa to Everyone:
Reacted to “I will finally be pu…” with ❤️
14:59:36 From Béthany to Everyone:
Reacted to “I will finally be pu…” with 💜
14:59:56 From Melinda Klotz to Everyone:
Reacted to “I will finally be pu…” with ❤️
15:00:03 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
Thank you so much Sheridan for all that Bonus material!..I’m working with both the stones, crystals and oils with the chakras.
15:02:33 From Alicia Love to Everyone:
Reacted to “I will finally be pu…” with ❤️
15:04:40 From Liz to Everyone:
Reacted to “I will finally be pu…” with ❤️
15:08:17 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
15:26:13 From jen to Everyone:
Thank you so much 💓
15:26:53 From Sonia to Everyone:
Reacted to “I will finally be pu…” with ❤️
15:27:47 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
Do you have any thoughts about burning the twine…when?
15:27:59 From Melinda Klotz to Everyone:
Reacted to “Do you have any thou…” with ❤️
15:28:40 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
I guess just feeling what and when feels right
15:28:46 From Sharon Fortier to Everyone:
I need to bow out now. Thank you for such a deeply held space
15:28:56 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
Thank you all so much! I have to leave in a moment!!
15:29:01 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
By Sharon
15:29:45 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
By Deborah… may the goddess be with you
15:29:53 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
Reacted to “By Deborah… may the …” with 💖
15:30:44 From Sharon Wright to Everyone:
Whats the author for the Sekhmet book
15:30:51 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
Very cool Melinda…love it!
15:30:56 From Ursula Hausler to Everyone:
Oh wow Melinda, you just made me realize that I have this Anubis oracle deck
15:31:37 From Ursula Hausler to Everyone:
Now I know why I got it at the beginning of this year…haven’t worked much with it yet…
15:31:56 From Liz to Everyone:
Replying to “Whats the author for…”
Nikki Scully
15:34:11 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
It’s been good but I’m going to be sooo happy be going home. My traveling altars are sweet but there’s no place like home.
15:39:12 From Angela Benck to Everyone:
Ants are all about community so reach out and sharing to your community is healing
15:39:25 From Liz to Everyone:
Reacted to “Ants are all about c…” with ❤️
15:41:19 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
Thank you Angela for that reminder. I have Ant I the East position in The Jamie Sands Animal speak 9 animals as life time helpers.
15:41:39 From Linda to Everyone:
Thank you for another special session Sheridan and Cayelin.
15:41:47 From Angela Benck to Everyone:
Reacted to “Thank you Angela for…” with ❤️
15:42:18 From Mary Fullwood (Los Osos, CA) to Everyone:
Thanks everyone! I’m stepping off ❤️
15:56:44 From Ursula Hausler to Everyone:
This was so beautiful -thank you
Extra Bonus Videos
The video below on Sekhmet has some fascinating insights
about Sekhmet and her connection fo the 3rd Eye Chakra!
Bonus Content and Additional Resources
Toning with Claudette Thomas
Find more links and a Video from Claudette at:
2nd Gate Brow/Third Chakra PDF from Claudette:
Tonal Energy Link with Video and other links from Claudette
Additional Links:
I am the Serpent Bearer Dream Mentioned in the 6th Chakra Release Video
Sky Woman Creation Story This is a different version of the story told in the Venus Temple Journey
AND The Magic of Ceremonial Hiking to follow up on the theme of creating and participating with Magic
Note: it may take a minute for the guided journeys below to load
The video below on Mudra for the Third Eye is 3 minutes and gives you something you can do everyday to activate your 3rd Eye Chakra.
Third Eye Chakra Journey/Meditation - 18 minutes
Venus Temple Ceremony - 3rd Eye Chakra
Aries-Pisces Ceremonial Journey
Ceremonial Journeying With the Aries AND Pisces Meta-Goddess as she Descends and Ascends through the Chakra Gates.
No Previous Knowledge of Astrology is Necessary to engage this intimate and life changing initiation deepening your connection to the Sacred Feminine within and without!
Explore Your Venus Signature!
How would it feel and what would it take to further enliven your Inner Goddess so she is guiding you toward joyfully living your soul’s purpose?
Updated Venus Signature Series Now with 14 Classes
Diving Even Deeper Into
Your Personal Venus Signature.
Get Your Personal Venus Reading
Dive one on one into your specific Venus signature and astrological chart. What aspects of the Feminine are you here to learn about and share with us all?
Where does Venus fit into your entire natal chart and your Soul's evolutionary path of growth, empowerment and transformation?