Journey with the Pisces/Aries
Fierce Compassion
Fierce Love Goddess
Embrace Healthy Self-Care and Loving Compassion for All Life
Are you ready to even more fully Embrace and Loving Tend to your Inner Divine Feminine expression?
Are you ready to Claim and Embody your Inner Universal Mother Goddess?
Are you ready to release whatever is in the way of you Loving and Caring for Yourself?
Are you ready to step into your inherent Divinity and Creativity?
If yes to any of these AND/OR you would love to be a part of powerful ceremonial community honoring the Venus Cycle as it was done in ancient times, we would LOVE to have you join us for this rare and potent Aries-Pisces Cycle as Venus combines into this New Meta Goddess!

17-Minute Overview of this Magical
and very Rare Aries Pisces Venus Cycle
We are all in this together. Women joining hearts is a powerful force of beauty. I’ve had a lot of wounding from women in my life. This strong, beautiful circle is offering such healing of old wounds. Surely, the divine feminine energy from our collective is radiating to others as we each move about in our daily lives. Alisé A
I am so glad I am taking this course and am in this community. It probably has saved my sanity and brought me such pleasure in learning the story of Inanna. Having this teaching has made the journey into the underworld through the chakras so rich. I have so loved what you have shared here…~Adele Michal
The Pisces-Aries Universal Mother Goddess
This journey facilitates a radical opportunity to joyously stand for who you are, dreaming into a New World while clearing anything that remains in the way of this intent.
The Aries-Pisces Goddess shines her blessings of love on everyone around her. She is the learning to compassionately stand in her strength and power radiating from the inside out. She is learning she is the Divine incarnate fueling her immense creative powers taking action to create the life and world she has been dreaming about of eons of time. Her superpower is LOVE, loving herself, her life, all those around, all life.
We need her now!
Join Cayelin Castell and Sheridan Semple for a ceremonial journey with the Sacred Feminine within and without. By following the path of Venus through the morning sky, we empower the Divine Feminine within.
Venus represents the revered Divine Feminine and your personal Venus sign shows what aspects of that powerful Feminine you are here to discover and share with the world.
This journey is a great way to reconnect and remember our long lost ancestral practices as we once again consciously commune with Venus as she rises into her most empowered and divine expression. Joining Venus in her journey is how we too can choose this powerful initiation of dying to the old and being reborn to the new.
The Sacred Feminine is rising up, she is returning to her full glory. She is inspiring us to be the magic makers, wise ones, dreamers, grand conspirators living the New Earth story.
This sacred journey is supporting us in discovering our own divinity, filled with the power of LOVE, inspiring us to find joy within and without.
This is what we were born for!!
Thank you both soooo much for your teachings – words simply are inadequate to articulate how I feel about this teaching…..Very, very profound. Although not surprising as I am about to turn 56. PROFOUND beyond words!!!!
Hugs and much love to you both!!!
Jennifer xx
I feel I really did some deep throat chakra clearing during the journeys for the throat Chakra descent class. It feels like it may have cleared lineage issues for me in this chakra. Always amazed and wowed by all of the beautiful work you two Venus Vision Carriers are bringing forth. RW
Venus Rises as Morning Star
Venus officially rises as Morning Star on March 29, 2025 heralding the start of a new Venus cycle. Though for some Venus may be visible on March 23 in a rare shortened metamorphic underworld time.
Ancient cultures ceremonially enacted the Venus cycle and left us clues about how to do this in their ancient clay tablets because they knew the power of group intent and engaging this sacred cycle.
Due to her Retrograde Venus is spending several weeks in the Aries Pisces domain entering Pisces on January 2, 2025 and stationed retrograde in Aries on March 01, 2025 meeting with the Sun in Aries on March 22, 2025, possibly visible in the morning sky on March 23 in a rare rapid shift from evening to morning star.
Venus officially rises as morning star in Pisces on March 29, 2025 for the first time in 155 years and repeating the beginning of the last Pisces cycle that began on March 29, 1774 or 251 years ago.
Venus returns to her station Retrograde degree on May 15, 2025 spending over 4 months in the same area of the sky.
Morning Star Venus Series
From March to November of 2025, Venus is in her sacred Morning Star phase descending through the Chakra Gates releasing all that is in the way of her expressing her true self through the Power of Love.
At each chakra gate you will experience in depth experiential tools, including guided journeys, star maps, deepening practices, chakra meditations and invocations, that reveal the hidden mysteries of this initiatory descent journey as Venus journeys into the underworld (when Venus comes within 10° of the Sun for 2 to 3 months). This symbolizes the death of Venus dying to who she has believed herself to be so she can be reborn to who she truly is.
Here is a shout out to you both for this extraordinary Venus journey and the incredibly provocative content, questions, and home play for this course!!!! It has been and will continue to be transformational for me!!! And thank you to all the participants whose collective energy and intentions has made this such a magical journey!”
Lorrie M
I cannot express just with words how healing, nourishing, and supportive for my personal and spiritual growth the Venus Alchemy community has been for me. My wish is that you both receive with great abundance in your own lives all the beautiful Blessings that you are giving so generously and wisely to the world.
About the Journey
This ceremonial series is open to anyone desiring a deeper connection to Divine Feminine wisdom as expressed through the alchemy and magic of the Venus cycle.
This ceremonial journey is being guided by years of direct experience of working with the Venus Cycle in recent times and also through remembering how our ancestors worked with this cycle guided by the story of Inanna and Ishtar. The most celebrated Venus Cycle by the Babylonians and Sumerians was when Venus rose as morning star closest to the Spring Equinox suggesting this cycle is especially potent.
No Previous Knowledge of
Astrology or Astronomy
Is Necessary to Be a Part of this
Remarkable Ceremonial Journey!
Is the journey for you?
Yes, if any of these are true…
- You desire to experience more inner knowledge, wisdom and understanding of your divine nature
- You would like powerful community support in participating with an ancient ceremonial practice honoring the Divine Feminine in ways that work for our current time
- You desire to explore a direct and personally empowering experience of the Venus Cycle
- You are in a personal 8-year Venus Return (Find Out HERE)
- You have significant Pisces/Aries on your natal chart including Moon, Sun, Ascendant, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, North/South Node
- You are ready to clear and release any and all blocks around fully expressing who you truly BE!
- You are ready to experience even more magic, miracles and possibility in your life.
THIS Venus Alchemy journey is just what the Doctor ordered! Spiritually speaking, it is healing me in ways I’d not known were needing medicine! LOL! Thank you for this sacred offering. It is life changing.
Love, Laurie
I’m so impressed with what a great offering this is. You both do such beautiful work and it just gets better and better. Thank you so much, for this and for all you share in the Venus Alchemy class. Many Blessings! ~Vi
You two are so dazzlingly brilliant with your Venus Ceremonial series… LOVE!!! everything you two do…WOW to it all!!!…
So of course I’m going to continue with my two beloved and delightful Goddess Guides ❤… and YAY for the new Venus Cycle!
It’s been a radical! and sometimes tumultuous journey in this Venus Return; a lot of life changes and experiences to navigate, yet, every step of the way I have felt profoundly supported by you both and the sacred container that is Venus Alchemy. I clearly see and am focused around the Sacred Work that is truly mine to do and I am so grateful. ~ Elizabeth
Over these empowering 8 months you receive:
- 8 Monthly live 90-minute classes (recorded replay available if you can’t join us life) with ceremonies designed for each Chakra Gate. If you can make the live class there is time for live Q & A and connection groups. Or you can email us your questions before the live class (best to email the day before the live class).
- Optional Conversation/Connection Groups This adds an additional half hour to our time together.
- 8 Videos focused on Each Chakra and how to work with them
- Guided Meditations for each Chakra Gate
- Beautiful PDF Downloads for each Gate with Star Maps, Chakra Information, Ceremonial Suggestions etc.
- Suggested Deepening Practices
- Option to have a Venus Buddy to journey with for the duration of the cycle. This is a great way to have an even more powerful experience of this sacred journey
- Access to a Private Facebook Page where you can post your insights, ask questions and get support as well as see what others are sharing
- 50-minute Bonus Video describing the Venus Cycle and how it relates to the Inanna Story
- Bonus Audio Meditations to support your journey
- Bonus Videos on all things Venus and the Sacred Feminine
- Venus Audio and PDF Package bonus. This bonus includes the most essential background information about the 19-month Venus Cycle with a look at the Sun through the signs as seasons and what Venus Cycle you were born in – valued at $97
Venus Online Cermonial Journey
Ceremonial Morning Star Venus Series
This series explores and helps supercharge the alchemy possible when we consciously engage the Venus Cycle.
As Venus rises in the morning sky on March 29, 2025 she becomes the revered Morning Star preparing for her profoundly life changing initiatory journey.
She chooses this initiatory journey and prepares for her descent through Seven or Eight Gates (representing the seven chakras and an 8th Chakra or the Earth Star Chakra). Once each month Venus meets with the Moon symbolizing her passage through one of these gates as she releases all the distortions she has gathered in this and other lives.
At each chakra gate you will experience in depth experiential tools, including guided journeys, star maps, homeplay, chakra meditations and invocations, designed to reveal the hidden mysteries of this initiatory descent journey.
2025 features Venus rising near the March Equinox, that the Sumerians and Babylonians saw as the time to ceremonially celebrate the Venus Journey AND it also features Venus and Jupiter coming together aligned with the magical Star Sirius. An event that can only happen about every 12 years and even longer (around 96 years) if we consider Venus having risen near the March Equinox.

2015 In Person Venus Ceremony
with Moon Venus and Jupiter
Since 2014, Venus Alchemy has been guiding people through the Venus Cycles as a ceremonial re-enactment of the Venus Cycle.
We are excited and delighted to once again
reach the Beginning Phase
of the Descent journey.
This journey facilitates the reawakening and remembering of
the Divine Wisdom and deep love that lives within each of us.
Supported by the committed inspired action of Aries and the Compassionate,
Inspired Dreaming energies of Pisces we are embarking on a unique journey to
Implement and LIVE our inherent divinity, as we deepen our ability
to co-create through our growing intuition, overflowing with love for all life.
For us to gather and remember we are change agents. We are the leaders of the New Earth.
WE are remembering and awakening to the divine light codes that have been within us all along. We are remembering all of this and more including know how to embrace and celebrate how we are coming together to co-create the changes from within ourselves that ultimately empower the co-creation of a better way of being for all.
Cayelin Castell and Sheridan Semple
and the growing Venus Alchemy community
would love for you to join us
on a brand new guided ceremonial journey
exploring the unchartered territory of
this Pisces-Aries Venus Cycle.
During the descent our intent is to release everything in the way of experiencing healthy, vital, ecstatic life force energy with each of the chakras. Our ceremonial collective intent further magnifies the impact of this Morning Star Series.
Later, during the ascent phase when Venus rises in the evening sky, our intent is to reclaim and embody our powerful, healthy, vital, ecstatic life force energy with each of the chakras. Once again, our ceremonial collective intent further magnifies the impact of the Evening Star Series in the same way it does during the Morning Star Series.
Having just completed my own potent Venus Return in Leo, I have such deep appreciation for the compassionate and inspired leadership you both offer. I feel deeply empowered to step forward into this new expression of Pisces/Aries Meta Goddess as it energizes my watery and fiery personal planets in my chart.
~ Nikkea
This has been the most supportive, transformative and insightful journey for me. I am so excited you are doing this work and changing lives – including mine.
I feel I have a deeper connection with all of life as a result and most especially Venus. ~Brooke
Live Ceremonial Class Dates
Dates for the Live Classes are before the exact Venus Moon Conjunctions
Each Class is available for Replay by the next day.
Class dates subject to change due to unforeseeable circumstances
Live Class Schedule a few days before the exact Venus Gate
- Class One: Monday, April 21 at 11 am Pacific 1st Gate/Crown chakra
- Class Two: Tuesday, May 20 at 2 pm Pacific Second Gate/Third Eye Chakra
- Class Three: Monday, June 16 at 9 am Pacific Third Gate/Throat Chakra
- Class Four: Thursday, July 17 at 2 pm Pacific Fourth Gate/Heart Chakra
- Class Five: Friday, August 15 at 11 am Pacific Fifth Gate/Solar Plexus Chakra
- Class Six: Monday, September 15 at 9 am Pacific Sixth Gate/Sacral Chakra
- Class Seven: Wednesday, October 15 at 2 pm Pacific Seventh Gate/Root Chakra
- Class Eight: Thursday, November 13 at 10 am Pacific Eighth Gate/Earth Star Chakra
About the Facilitators

Cayelin K Castell
Cayelin is a Magdalene/Divine Creation High Priestess and co-founder of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School with over 30 years of experience guiding clients and students through Venus Return Cycles.

Sheridan Semple
Sheridan Semple is a Divine Feminine Astrologer, Astrological Life Coach and founder of Moon Sisters Circle who guides her clients into a deeper connection to themselves and their sacred path.
Special Rate Registration Options
Option 1: Pisces Morning Star Tuition — Early Discount Rate
Join us for the first half of the Venus Cycle
Morning Star Tuition Special
$240 (save $60 off regular session rate)
AND Save $45 with Full Pay Option
Be sure to WAIT for PayPal to redirect you
to the REGISTRATION page
where you enter your name and email.
Once you fill out and submit the REGISTRATION
you will receive an email
with access to the main class page!
Three Payment Plan $95
Automatic for 3 months
$285 total
Be sure to WAIT for PayPal to redirect you
to the REGISTRATION page
where you enter your name and email.
Once you fill out and submit the REGISTRATION
you will receive an email
with access to the main class page!
Email us at
if you don’t get redirected to the registration form.
Option 2: Pisces Morning & Evening Star Bundle — Early Discount Rate
Join us for the Full 19-Month Cycle and Save
Special Morning and Evening Star Bundle $399
Save $81 off both classes with this bundle
Be sure to WAIT for PayPal to redirect you
to the REGISTRATION page
where you enter your name and email.
Once you fill out and submit the REGISTRATION
you will receive an email
with access to the main class page!
Four Payment Plan 4x $111 = $444
Save $45 with full pay option
Be sure to WAIT for PayPal to redirect you
to the REGISTRATION page
where you enter your name and email.
Once you fill out and submit the REGISTRATION
you will receive an email
with access to the main class page!
Email us at
if you don’t get redirected to the registration form.
Option 3: Morning & Evening Star + Venus Signature Series Bundle
Early Discount Rate
Join us for both the Morning Sky and Evening Star Venus Cycle AND add on the Venus Signature class
Learn more about Venus Signature Series HERE
BUT be Sure to Come back to this page to sign up
for the Special Bundle using the buttons below.
Get Morning, Evening Star + Venus Signature Series Bundle for special rate of $699
Save $128 off individual class tuition
Be sure to WAIT for PayPal to redirect you
to the REGISTRATION page
where you enter your name and email.
Once you fill out and submit the REGISTRATION
you will receive an email
with access to the main class page!
Four Payment Plan $186 x 4 = $744 Morning/Evening & Signature Series Bundle
Save $45 with full pay option
Be sure to WAIT for PayPal to redirect you
to the REGISTRATION page
where you enter your name and email.
Once you fill out and submit the REGISTRATION
you will receive an email
with access to the main class page!
Email us at
if you don’t get redirected to the registration form.
Get In Touch
Have questions about the class?
Please reach out. We’d love to hear from you!
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