Heart Chakra Gate
Thank you so much for not sharing this content
with anyone not signed up for the class
Khambalia Star of Secret Knowledge
Venus Morning Star Heart Chakra Gate Video – 55 minutes
New video from Cayelin and Sheridan
Heart Chakra Morning Star Venus Slides PDF
Radical Forgiveness Worksheets mentioned in video
From Colin Tipping author of Radical Forgiveness
4 Steps to Radical Forgiveness
Radical Forgiveness Worksheet
Plus this is a great 23 Minute Video Interview with Colin Tipping on Radical Forgiveness
Heart Chakra Live Ceremonial Class Video
Download the pdf of the slides here
Chat from Live Class
14:01:41 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
Crackin open our hearts!
14:07:10 From Melinda Klotz to Everyone:
Reacted to “Crackin open our hea…” with 💗
14:18:02 From Lisa to Everyone:
14:20:31 From Ilene Goldstein to Everyone:
i knew this gate was happening in my bday week and didn’t know on my exact day!!!
14:21:16 From Sharon to Everyone:
mine also moon4′ and neptune6′
14:21:23 From Sheridan Semple (she/her) to Everyone:
Happy Birthday!
14:27:20 From Melinda Klotz to Everyone:
The constellation of the scales has been making me think about how we bring larger things down to size like in cartography but maybe Heartography🤩 just wanted to share that because I might have to leave early today.
14:27:39 From Ilene Goldstein to Everyone:
Reacted to “The constellation of…” with ❤️
14:27:42 From Melinda Klotz to Everyone:
Reacted to “i knew this gate was…” with 🤩
14:30:34 From Bethany to Everyone:
Reacted to “OUr Lady of Guadalupe(1).jpg” with 💜
14:30:37 From Melinda Klotz to Everyone:
Reacted to “OUr Lady of Guadalupe(1).jpg” with 💗
14:30:46 From Teresa Kelly (she/her) to Everyone:
I was there the day before THanksgiving…you can see the shadows of the burn as grey on the walls.
14:30:48 From Bethany to Everyone:
Reacted to “The constellation of…” with 💜
14:32:09 From Melinda Klotz to Everyone:
Reacted to “I was there the day …” with 💗
14:32:49 From Sharon to Everyone:
Where is it?
14:33:03 From Melinda Klotz to Everyone:
Thank you for sharing this Teresa! Aunsheen too!!
14:33:39 From Teresa Kelly (she/her) to Everyone:
Reacted to “Thank you for sharin…” with 😊
14:37:37 From Melinda Klotz to Everyone:
oops Antares not Aldebaran
14:38:20 From Angela Benck to Everyone:
Do you have the calendar for the next year dates on class?
14:38:57 From Pat Liles to Everyone:
Reacted to “OUr Lady of Guadalupe(1).jpg” with ❤️
14:41:08 From Melinda Klotz to Everyone:
I have to go but sending you all thoughts of light and joyful love!!
14:48:26 From eve soldinger to Everyone:
I have to go. Thank you. Thank you.
14:59:25 From Kelly Annette to Everyone:
How horrific that we use our animal brothers and sisters in such “experiments”
15:01:55 From Sheridan Semple (she/her) to Everyone:
Agreed Kelly, sorry to bring it up 🙁
15:06:59 From Teresa Kelly (she/her) to Everyone:
Brene Brown’s Atlas of the Heart gives great language to emotions. It has been helpful to have language to express my feelings to my partner and to work thru in my own writing.
15:09:31 From caro luna rosa to Everyone:
Reacted to “Brene Brown’s Atlas …” with 💓
15:09:31 From Teresa Kelly (she/her) to Everyone:
Thank you for bringing in the trauma piece and the practices to help with that. It is so overlooked and misunderstood or even ignored. I love the rhyme.
15:11:04 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
Please share your morning shaking mantra prayer . …love how simple the rhyming is. thanks
15:11:17 From Camille Sun to Everyone:
Reacted to “Please share your mo…” with ♥️
15:11:31 From Teresa Kelly (she/her) to Everyone:
Reacted to “Please share your mo…” with 👍
15:16:20 From Cayelin to Everyone:
Replying to “Do you have the cale…”
The Dates for the rest of the classes are on the Main Class page.
Class Five: Wednesday Jan 3, 2024 at 11 am Pacific – Fifth Gate/Solar Plexus Chakra, Venus in Sagittarius
Class Six: Saturday Feb 3, 2024 at 12 pm Pacific – Sixth Gate/Sacral Chakra, Venus in Capricorn
Class Seven: Thursday Feb 29, 2024 at 10 am Pacific – Seventh Gate/Root Chakra, Venus in Aquarius
Class Eight: Tuesday Apr 2, 2024 at 1 pm Pacific – Eighth Gate/Earth Star Chakra, Venus in Aries
Venus enters the Underworld on April 27, 2024 and rises into the evening sky on July 6/7 or later depending on your horizon line. The first evening star class will be late July or Early August as the first gate is August 5, 2024.
We will be coming up with the evening star class dates in the New Year. Hope this helps.❤️
15:22:59 From cheryl meeks’s iPhone to Everyone:
Thank you all💫💜
15:23:19 From Cayelin to Everyone:
Shaking Mantra Intention etc…
I am shaking out all my hurt and pain, guilt and shame, fear and blame, whine and complain, defend and explain into the violet flame to be transmuted and transformed into the higher vibrational energies of love so I am vibrating as a Super Conductor of Love❣️
15:23:55 From Linda Lomker to Everyone:
Bye everyone.
15:23:56 From Angela Benck to Everyone:
Replying to “Do you have the cale…”
Yes, thank you so much
15:24:12 From Terri’s iPad to Everyone:
Thank you!
15:24:48 From Sharon to Everyone:
bye have ti tun
15:25:25 From Ursula Hausler to Everyone:
It’s already almost midnight over here – So I will leave now. Thanks for the call <3
15:46:44 From Lafae to Everyone:
Thank you everyone <3 Grateful to be here and wishing you all a supportive heart cycle.
15:50:18 From Teresa Kelly (she/her) to Everyone:
And…finding new ways to communicate and gather as community globally.
15:50:27 From Angela Benck to Everyone:
Reacted to “And…finding new wa…” with ❤️
Bonus Materials Below: Audios and Videos
Heart Chakra Journey - 16.5 minutes
Venus Temple Heart Chakra Ceremony - 15 minutes
Wings of the Heart - Heart Chakra Sounds
Heart Chakra Chant - 6 minutes
Toning Links
Find more links and an Introductory Video from Claudette
on Chakra Toning at link below
4th Gate Heart Chakra Gate Toning PDF from Claudette
A 5 minute video with Gregg Braden sharing about the heart
and a technique for accessing answers you can trust.
The title of the Movie below Finding Joe
is referring to Joseph Campbell’s Hero~ines Quest
through the Mono-myth and the stories
we are living and telling ourselves.
The power of facing our fears and
being willing to write our own story.