Special FREE Video Gift Below
with Cayelin Castell and Tami Brunk
Describing the Venus Initiatory Journey as it relates to the mythic tellings of Inanna and Ishtar

Includes a bonus document below the video for locating your personal Meta Goddess and when your next every 8 year (lasting 19 months) Venus Return Cycle begins.

Join the Rainbow Goddess Journey that begins when Venus rises as morning star on June 09, 2020 with first class gate occuring Sunday July 05, 2020. Details are HERE

Bonus Document: Find your personal Venus MetaGoddess or Overtone and the date your next Venus Return begins! Venus Meta Goddoess Overtones from 1921 to 2042

Thanks for this powerful alchemical understanding of Venus. It is a beautiful reminder that I am a divine radiant beautiful shining being with great support of a loving community along with my ancestors and guides – a helpful and encouraging message. With so much gratitude for this transformative work you do. It has definitely changed my life. Debra

 More Rave Reveiws about this work HERE

Expand and enhance your connection to the Divine Feminine within and benefit from Cayelin and Tami’s 33 years of combined experience working the alchemy of the Venus Cycle to transform lives and awaken your unique Goddess expression within and without. The next cycle begins in June 2020. Details are HERE

Cayelin Castell is a Divine Creation High Priestess and co-founder of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School. Cayelin has been writing Celestial Timings since 1996 one of the first e-zines to combine astronomy and astrology.

In 2014 Cayelin co-created and collaborated with Tami Brunk to create Venus Alchemy, working ceremonially with the 19 month Venus cycle as it relates to the story of Inanna. This was greatly inspired by having led many clients through their Venus Return cycles for over 20 years while also developing ways to work with this cycle in her own Venus Returns starting in the mid-1990’s. Find out more about Cayelin HERE

Tami BrunkTami Brunk, MS is a fully Certified Shamanic Astrologer and past president of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School, Tami has conducted in-depth research into the Venus Return Cycle and was the first to lead live ceremonial circles through the entire Venus Synodic Cycle via the Inanna Descent myth.

She is a certified Active Dream Teacher in Robert Moss’s program and the co-creator and co-founder of Venus Alchemy with Cayelin. Find out more about Tami HERE 


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How would it feel and what would it take to fully enliven your Inner Goddess so she is guiding you toward fulfilling your soul’s purpose?

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