Donations go to support those working for Racial and Ancestral Healing
Rainbow Kin
Racial and Ancestral Healing Circle
We are pleased to announce our new online Rainbow Kin Racial and Ancestral Healing Circle with a private Facebook group and bi-weekly online healing circles offered on the second and fourth Monday’s of each month at 2 pm Pacific, 5 pm Eastern (be sure to adjust for your time zone) beginning Monday, August 24.
This offering is free and optional. For those who feel inspired to donate something to this process – your donations will got to support facilitators trained in racial justice and ancestral healing work.
We gather this circle from the perspective of racial and ancestral healing as a vital aspect of Telling a New World Story together. We feel the Gemini Meta Goddess working through each of us has enormous capacity to work miracles in these realms through our collective ceremony, prayer and soul work.
We are dedicated to creating and maintaining a safe container where we can be vulnerable, curious, open minded, caring and passionate about co-creating a world where justice, love, abundance, and thriving become the norm for ALL of our family of every color.
It is our intention in this Morning Star phase (so powerfully activated by Mars and Chiron in Aries and Eris Square Pluto) to have the courage and willingness to see, feel, and actively dismantle systems of injustice, racism, oppression, and colonization within, learning to stand together as strong allies and accomplices in the creation of a world where our family members of ALL colors thrive.
We will send more details in the weeks leading up to our first gathering. If you would like to help facilitate future circles, please let us know!
The Facebook Group is here, please share resources if you have books, programs, other resources to support our circle:
The recurring Zoom link is here:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 858 6991 2824
Passcode: 275562
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Meeting ID: 858 6991 2824
Passcode: 275562
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We look forward to gathering and creating a field of courageous and gentle truth telling, genuine presence, care, kindness and authenticity, willingness to feel and heal, and an ever growing capacity to embody the New Earth Culture where ALL Beings thrive.
Venus Love, Light and Magical Blessings!
Donations go to support those working for Racial and Ancestral Healing
Leo Ceremonial Journey
Ceremonial Journeying With the Leo Meta-Goddess as she Descends and Ascends through the Chakra Gates.
No Previous Knowledge of Astrology is Necessary to engage this intimate and life changing initiation deepening your connection to the Sacred Feminine within and without!
Explore Your Venus Signature!
How would it feel and what would it take to further enliven your Inner Goddess so she is guiding you toward joyfully living your soul’s purpose?
Updated Venus Signature Series Now with 14 Classes
Diving Even Deeper Into
Your Personal Venus Signature.
Get Your Personal Venus Reading
Dive one on one into your specific Venus signature and astrological chart. What aspects of the Feminine are you here to learn about and share with us all?
Where does Venus fit into your entire natal chart and your Soul's evolutionary path of growth, empowerment and transformation?