Crown Chakra 7th Gate

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Live Class from June 17 Video below

Download the pdf of the live class slides here

Chat from Live Class

12:50:03 From Marcy to Everyone:
I love her quote.
12:51:16 From Saraeko to Everyone:
WOW, what an example of what one person can do
12:51:39 From Marcy to Everyone:
yes. Very empowering
12:58:06 From meridith to Everyone:
Gave this book as a Bday gift to my high powered exec. Daughter…she is uses it in her meetings with staff.
13:15:28 From Saraeko to Everyone:
Inspiring , Yes to moving Forward
13:23:22 From Saraeko to Everyone:
13:27:52 From Kathy Medbery to Everyone:
Thank you
13:27:53 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
Gorgeous! Who wrote that song??
13:28:01 From Mary Kern to Everyone:
Thank you, Sheridan and Cayelin.
13:28:24 From Marcy to Everyone:
Hopping out. Blessings to all.
13:28:26 From Kimie Fujimoto to Everyone:
Thank you, all. Love to all.
13:28:53 From meridith to Everyone:
me too Aunsheen

PDF for the Evergreen Video Below on the Crown Chakra
7th Gate Evening Star Ascending

Additional Resources for the Crown Chakra Gate

June Solstice on the Galactic Cross video below or here

More on the June Solstice

Crown Chakra Evening Star Meditation - 23 minutes

by Cayelin K Castell

To download the 7th Chakra Evening Star Meditation 
Right Click HERE

Venus Temple Crown Chakra Journey - 11 minutes

by Cayelin K Castell

Toning Links

Find more links and an Introductory Video from Claudette
on Chakra Toning at link below

Crown Chakra 7th Gate Toning PDF from Claudette