Welcome to the Leo Venus
Morning Star and Evenings Star Ceremonial Journeys
Access Information!

We are thrilled you are joining us in
this Leo Venus Ceremonial Series!

Thank you for answering the call
to gather and help midwife the rebirth
of our Inner Sovereign Queen Goddess
who will inspire us to access and share
our vastly deep love and creativity!

Preparation Tools To Support Your Journey

If this is your first time taking our Venus Alchemy Ceremonial Series, we recommend you start with watching two videos accessible through the either of the Class Pages — the Morning Star Class Page or the Evening Star Class Page (links on buttons below).

  • Video #1: One of the two Introduction to the Venus Cycle videos – quick overview or the longer introduction. These are both available on the class page.
  • Video #2: Ceremonial Considerations for the Venus Cycle – this is the first video in the Bonus Videos section.

These two videos will support your understanding of the Venus cycle and how to make the most of your journey.

You have signed up for the entire Leo Venus Cycle Course


We have two individual class pages for each part of this cycle:

1. The Morning Star phase from August 2023 through April 2024


2. The Evening Star phase from July 2024 through March 2025 

Access either of Class Pages at the two buttons below


Be sure to enter the Password to gain access to the Morning Star Class Page SolarLioness23

We have decided not to use a password for the Evening Star Class Page, so NO password required 

We thank you so much for NOT sharing this Class Page link
with anyone who is not signed up for this class  

Access details for each live class is posted on the Class Pages, along with the dates for each class. We will also send a reminder email with those details before each class.

If you’ve got extra time to spare and are content junkies, like us, there are additional resources you may listen to including: Meet Your Grandmother Guide Meditation, the Venus Temple Guided Journey, Sky Temple Guided Journey, and Tuning into your Chakras meditation – all located on the class page, under Bonus Audios. (Link In button above)

We realize this is a lot of content so be sure to take your time and watch or listen to whatever works for you. These are all simply additional resources to support your journey but are not essential to your Venus Journey.

This content is not going anywhere and you have forever to access all of it!

You don’t have to watch or listen to any of the bonus videos or audios to participate and get a full and rich experience with this ceremonial journey. Make this journey yours in whatever way best supports you!

Our intent is these are helpful and inspiring tools for you to use and listen to as often as you like.

Facebook Group Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1364194420625690
You need to be a member of the group before you can access this link.

Please “friend” Cayelin by clicking here and/or Sheridan by clicking here for one of us to invite you to the Facebook Group. It is optional so no worries if you are not on Facebook. We have several in the class who aren’t.

We are so delighted you are joining us for this life changing journey.

Love, Light and Radiant Venus Blessings!

P.S. Once on either of the main class pages be sure to scroll down to the Chakra Buttons to access the individual class content once the buttons are activated. See image below.

Please reach out to us at anytime if you have any questions!

We are here to support you and your journey!

Email us at: infovenusalchemy@gmail.com