The Aquarius MetaGoddess became the Capricorn MetaGoddess in 1974
If your birthday falls within these dates then you are entering a 19 month Venus Return on January 14, 2022
February 11, 1934 to September 14, 1935
February 08, 1942 to September 12, 1943
February 06, 1950 to September 10, 1951
February 04, 1958 to September 08, 1959
February 01, 1966 to September 06, 1967
January 30, 1974 to September 03, 1975 Shift to Capricorn
January 27, 1982 to August 31, 1983
January 25, 1990 to August 28, 1991
January 22, 1998 to August 27, 1999
January 20, 2006 to August 25, 2007
January 17, 2014 to August 22, 2015
January 14, 2022 to August 18, 2023
January 12, 2030 to August 16, 2031 next
January 10, 2038 to August 13, 2039
January 07, 2046 to August 11, 2047
Aries-Pisces Ceremonial Journey
Ceremonial Journeying With the Aries AND Pisces Meta-Goddess as she Descends and Ascends through the Chakra Gates.
No Previous Knowledge of Astrology is Necessary to engage this intimate and life changing initiation deepening your connection to the Sacred Feminine within and without!
Explore Your Venus Signature!
How would it feel and what would it take to further enliven your Inner Goddess so she is guiding you toward joyfully living your soul’s purpose?
Updated Venus Signature Series Now with 14 Classes
Diving Even Deeper Into
Your Personal Venus Signature.
Get Your Personal Venus Reading
Dive one on one into your specific Venus signature and astrological chart. What aspects of the Feminine are you here to learn about and share with us all?
Where does Venus fit into your entire natal chart and your Soul's evolutionary path of growth, empowerment and transformation?