Heart Chakra Gate
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Partial Solar Eclipse
Total Lunar Eclipse
Venus Morning Star Heart Chakra Gate Video – nearly 60 minutes
Heart Chakra Morning Star Venus PDF
Radical Forgiveness Worksheets
From Colin Tipping author of Radical Forgiveness
4 Steps to Radical Forgiveness
Radical Forgiveness Worksheet
2022 Heart Chakra Live Class Video Below – April 21
Click Here to Download the PDF of the Slides from Live Class Video
Chat from live class
17:25:45 From Kate Pickett to Everyone:
Thank you for your wisdom and openness in discussing the grieving process, I really needed to hear this as my mother has been gravely I’ll since December and was moved to hospice care last week. 🙏
17:28:04 From Salpi to Everyone:
From the south
17:31:04 From Paula to Everyone:
thanks – that was cool
17:36:03 From Victoria Peters to Everyone:
Is it OK to have a medical procedure on April 29 with Pluto going retro?? [colonoscopy??]
17:37:21 From Rhonda Tabor to Everyone:
I think so. All I ever check is if the moon is in Scorpio. Never do any surgery during Scorpio moon.
17:41:53 From reginanordquist to Everyone:
My birthday is April 30
17:48:31 From Rhonda Tabor to Everyone:
Oh my
17:49:45 From Lace to Everyone:
Total eclipse of the Heart💚
17:52:21 From G Moody to Everyone:
Welcome Heart Healing
18:00:30 From Rhonda Tabor to Everyone:
thank you for this . I’ve been struggling
18:02:12 From Rhonda Tabor to Everyone:
High Five that!
18:03:15 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
So affirming!! <3
18:06:21 From Faye Bender to Everyone:
Thank you both will watch rest later must go. 🙂
18:09:09 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
Wow Amazing!
18:19:03 From Béthany to Everyone:
The Jupiter/Netpune conjunction is conjunct my natal Mars/Venus 💚
18:34:18 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
18:39:20 From Akeyta Aurora to Everyone:
The Wild Edge of Sorrow….a great book on grief.
18:40:12 From jenna walter to Everyone:
Rosewood essential oil 💜
18:41:50 From Akeyta Aurora to Everyone:
Rage Ceremony….did one this weekend. Was really good.
18:42:15 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
I hear you Rhonda… I also have Moon in Pisces…. Allow yourself to grieve and feel it all… be really gentle, loving and compassionate with yourself… also Rose oil…. and Rose Quartz and heart stones… putting your hands on your heart regularly and send love to yourself… go by water and allow yourself to heal and grieve and allow the waters to heal you… embrace your anger… Lion’s breathe is great to help release emotions, sadness and anger….
18:46:10 From G Moody to Everyone:
18:49:28 From Akeyta Aurora to Everyone:
18:49:43 From Akeyta Aurora to Everyone:
Rage Music
18:50:46 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
Love and heart blessings to ALL!! <3
18:50:58 From Akeyta Aurora to Everyone:
Thank you everyone🌛
Heart Chakra Journey - 16.5 minutes
Venus Temple Heart Chakra Ceremony - 15 minutes
Wings of the Heart - Heart Chakra Sounds
Toning Links
Find more links and an Introductory Video from Claudette
on Chakra Toning at link below
4th Gate Heart Chakra Gate Toning PDF from Claudette
A 5 minute video with Gregg Braden sharing about the heart
and a technique for accessing answers you can trust.
The title of the Movie below Finding Joe
is referring to Joseph Campbell’s Hero~ines Quest
through the Mono-myth and the stories
we are living and telling ourselves.
The power of facing our fears and
being willing to write our own
heart-directed wisdom story.