Welcome to the Class Page
for the Leo Evening Star Series

With Your Guides Cayelin K Castell
and Sheridan Semple

Links to the individual Chakra Class pages are below when you scroll down to the Chakra Colored Buttons. Each Button will be activated as we approach that Chakra Gate.

Any Date or Time Changes to the class schedule below will be posted here.
Each LIVE Class Replay will be available by the next day.

Live Class Schedule

  • Class One: Tuesday, July 30 at 10 am Pacific – First Gate/Root Chakra, Venus in Virgo
  • Class Two: Monday, September 2 at 1 pm Pacific – Second Gate/Sacral Chakra, Venus in Libra
  • Class Three: Thursday, October 3 at 10 am Pacific  – Third Gate/Solar Plexus Chakra, Venus in Scorpio
  • Class Four: Tuesday, October 29 at 1 pm Pacific – Fourth Gate/Heart Chakra, Venus in Sagittarius
  • Class Five: Monday, December 2 at 10 am Pacific – Fifth Gate/Throat Chakra, Venus in Capricorn
  • Class Six: Monday, December 30 at 1 pm Pacific – Sixth Gate/Third Eye Chakra, Venus in Pisces
  • Class Seven: Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at 10 am Pacific – Seventh Gate/Crown Chakra, Venus in Pisces
  • Class Eight: Saturday, March 1, 2025 at 10 am Pacific – Eighth Class/Venus Retrograde, Venus in Aries

Venus Rises into the Evening Sky July 10
beginning the Evening Star phase of the Leo MetaGoddes Cycle.
The first Evening Star Chakra gate at the Root is August 5.

She enters the Metamorphic Underworld on March 16, 2025.

2023-2024 Leo Venus Gates
Updated Ceremonial Dates

for this Venus Cycle with added insights

The lioness - Queen of the jungle : r/Nikon

We deeply appreciate and thank you for NOT sharing
the class materials with others who are NOT in the class. 

Recurring Zoom Link for All Classes

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 813 1132 3270

One tap mobile
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Dial by your location
• +1 719 359 4580 US
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• +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
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Meeting ID: 813 1132 3270

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbKLfWEVe

Venus Alchemy Facebook Page

If you would like to join the Venus Alchemy Ceremonial  Facebook Page let us know you are interested.

First be sure to friend Cayelin and/or Sheridan
by sending an email requesting an invite to infovenusalchemy@gmail.com

Click Here to see if you
have been invited to the Facebook Page

 Venus Buddies

Sharing the Venus Journey and Deepening Exercises may  help you have an even more profound experience?

If this interests you, please enter your contact information
on this Google Form
and we will connect you with a Venus Buddy

For more about Venus Buddies check out the
Venus Buddy Guidelines

Bonus Underworld Journey Video

Teaching and Practices for the current Underworld Journey from April 27 through July 10

For the time before we start the Evening Star Class on July 30

New video and pdf from Cayelin and Sheridan

Near the end we briefly speak to being able to still review all the Morning Star Class offerings,
as this video was originally intended for the Morning Star Class.

We felt it would be a great bonus for those of you joining us as
we travel through this Underworld phase before Venus rises into the Evening Star phase in July.

Active links will be added to each of the Chakra buttons below for each Live Class as we approach each Chakra Gate

Root Chakra Link IS Active

Throat Chakra
Link IS NOT Active

Sacral Chakra

Third Eye Chakra
Link IS NOT Active

Solar Plexus
Link IS NOT Active

Crown Chakra
Link IS NOT Active

Heart Chakra
Link IS NOT Active

Soul Star Chakra
Link IS NOT Active

Two Videos to Support Your Understanding of the Venus Cycle

#1 – Brief Overview of the Venus Cycle

with Cayelin and Sheridan – 12 Minutes

Very short, quick overview of the cycle

#2 – Introduction to the Venus Cycle

with Cayelin and Sheridan – 67 Minutes

Taking a deeper dive into the entire cycle and explaining more fully all of its parts and meanings

A LIST OF BONUS Content for Your Venus Journey

Informational videos and audios about
ceremonial considerations,
the Venus cycle and Venus retrogrades

Including the Overview of this current Leo Venus Cycle

Pluto, 2 extra videos on the Circle of Grandmothers
who helped us launch Venus Alchemy

On the Audios and Handouts Page you will find bonus guided meditations,
handouts and more if you just can’t get enough – like us!

Please do not feel any pressure to watch, listen, or read all of this material!!
It is here simply if you want more.

You do not need to engage with the bonus material to have a full
and rich experience of this ceremonial journey!
Just come to our live classes and get out there with Venus!


We are so excited to share this
Leo Meta-Goddess Venus Journey with You!!
Thank you so much for joining us!
