Journeying with the Gemini Goddess
She Who Opens the Ways
Descending through Inanna’s Seven Gates
by Tami Brunk

No Previous Knowledge of Astrology Is Necessary
to Be a Part of This Remarkable Ceremonial Journey!

Would you like to play a part in re-enchanting our heartbroken world?
Would you like to support fulfilling your life destiny by joining us as co-conspirators dreaming into and activating the New Earth Playground? 
Would you like to participate in “being the change” bringing more color, play, vibrancy and imagination into the world around you?
Women, are you ready to release any blocks to your joyous creative expression?
Men, are you ready to connect more deeply with your inner Creative Divine Feminine Muse?

What fun! I needed this positive insight and all the sharing. I agree with the person who shared about feeling so connected to everyone. I to, envision everyone taking this journey with me…whenever I see beauty. Thank you. Rhonda

It is our time, magic makers, mischief bringers, grand conspirators in crafting a New Earth Story worthy of the very best and brightest in us. Forging a world of play, of beauty, of starshine, Moon glow, and rainbow sparkle in the midst of a great and terrible darkness. 

This is what we were born for!!

 Since 2014, Cayelin and Tami have been guiding women and men through Venus Cycles via the re-enactment of the Inanna Journey Initiation of Descent (morning star) and Ascent (evening star). We are excited and delighted to engage this new Gemini Venus Cycle.

This cycle represents the next octave of the 2012 Venus in Gemini Cycle, featuring the North Node in Gemini through the entire cycle, as a special blessing helping us follow our True North Star together, singing and holding hands like the Who’s down in Whoville, raising hope and light in the darkness and rescuing a broken world at the very last minute.

This journey facilitates the reawakening of the Magical Goddess and Child within each of us, bringing the spirit of play, imagination, co-creative alchemy, shapeshifter skills, and magical consciousness alive within us so we can join others in shapeshifting fear into playful people power and co-create our New Earth Playground.

It is OUR time, friends, for a New Story, and the Gemini Goddess has arrived to help us tell it – together. To take this grim pandemic, turn it on its head and make it a merry and gleeful pandemonium of whole-hearted mischief to right side up our upside down human society.

The Gemini Goddess is here to re-awaken within us the Magical Child. She who knows how to speak the language of the stars, to see the spirit of the river as a woman dancing, to listen to the conversation between trees across miles and miles of land and under soil, to sing the songs of the spirits of the land, and to call out to the Moon, Sun and Stars as true relatives. She who remembers the hidden messages of the little people, the fairies, the devic spirits and elementals.


For us to gather and remember ourselves as the wild and free beings that we are, unchain ourselves from the constraints of linear time and rational thought – jumping timelines together hand in hand – WITH EVERY WILLING SOUL INVITED!

To Break. Every. Rule. that Chains our Creative Imagination, Collective Genius, and Innate Ability to Accomplish the Impossible and Have Fun Doing It!

To locate within us the VOICE of Mother Gaia herself, to speak for her, to pray with her, to make beauty in every imaginable way to express our own uniqueness and craft together a new human story of possibility, change, and magic.

To come together in Council to create new agreements for how to live together in our New Earth Playground with the first and guiding guidelines as so:

  • That it be fun
  • That we say what we feel when we feel it
  • That we forgive easily
  • That there be much laughter and good music to accompany all our many hands making light work together 

You are invited to join Cayelin Castell and Tami Brunk and the growing Venus Alchemy community on a guided journey through the Gemini Venus Cycle, a profound initiation of ascent and renewal into the playful creational realms.

Additional Details and Sign-up are HERE

We are all in this together. It is a trying yet promising time in the world. Women joining hearts is a powerful force of beauty. I’ve had a lot of wounding from women in my life. This strong, beautiful circle is offering such healing of old wounds. Surely, the divine feminine energy from our collective is radiating to others as we each move about in our daily lives. Alisé A

Aries-Pisces Ceremonial Journey

Ceremonial Journeying With the Aries AND Pisces Meta-Goddess as she Descends and Ascends through the Chakra Gates.

No Previous Knowledge of Astrology is Necessary to engage this intimate and life changing initiation deepening your connection to the Sacred Feminine within and without!

Explore Your Venus Signature!

How would it feel and what would it take to further enliven your Inner Goddess so she is guiding you toward joyfully living your soul’s purpose? 

Updated Venus Signature Series Now with 14 Classes
Diving Even Deeper Into
Your Personal Venus Signature. 

Get Your Personal Venus Reading

Dive one on one into your specific Venus signature and astrological chart. What aspects of the Feminine are you here to learn about and share with us all? 

Where does Venus fit into your entire natal chart and your Soul's evolutionary path of growth, empowerment and transformation?