Rave Reviews from Participants
in the Ceremonial Venus Series and Signature Series
All of the testimonials and inspiring feedback were unsolicited beginning in 2014! We are truly grateful for all those who have shared with us their experience of the Venus Journey and the Venus Signature Series over the years. We have continued to receive amazing feedback and will occassionally update this page with new ones! Thank you to everyone who has shared with us how powerful and magical these classes are! It helps us to know we are on the right track with these offerings!
Hi dear Cayelin ~ I want to let you know how much I am benefitting from our Grandmother’s Venus Circle. The unseen support I am receiving is phenomenal. I’m so glad I answered the call to this sacred gathering…it feels perfect for what I currently need. Also, in addition to their informative value, I want to tell you how supporting, soothing, and comforting your meditations are for me. Your vibration is that of an angel, you’ve such a gentle resonance that speaks so lovingly to my heart.
Thank you both for this sacred journey and how you hold the sacred space for each of us. Sharon Fallon Shreve http://illuminedways.com
“The feeling was extremely STRONG for me to begin the 2022 Venus Synodic Journey with Venus Alchemy during the MetaGoddess in Capricorn timing.
At age 64, it was my own 8th Venus Return Journey – which I learned as the first leg of Venus as Morning Star unfolded.
I had no idea the impact this 19-month journey would have on me, both personally and professionally! I
’ve been studying/reading Astrology for over 23 years, and learned SO MUCH more about Astronomy and Fixed Stars, filling the gaps to my own astrological knowledge.
After completing the majority of this Venus in Capricorn/The Elder cycle, my Key Take Aways are:
1) my addiction to DOING! Huge – o my – and 2) the need for daily Self-Care – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, and
3) reconnecting to my Spiritual Self/practice/connections that had gone by the wayside due to 9 years of caregiving several family members through their death/dying processes.
And Magically, the supporting role of both the South Lunar Node in Scorpio/North Lunar Node in Taurus to ensure we all RELEASED the Old – especially for me – of Past Life/Ancestral patterns that I had not been conscious of holding onto – I felt I was dying unto myself quite deeply during the Venus Descent/Underworld phases.
This is a truly MAGICAL process – not to be taken lightly. If your Intuition is calling out for this Self/Soul growth process – heed the call! What Cayelin and Tami started and now Sheridan is furthering – WOW! It will not disappoint! Namaste”
Wow this Venus Journey has been really a deep journey into love and connection with my grandmothers and with my essence. I am loving each minute of this course, the videos, the meditations, the songs and all the “Treasure” 😊
When I enter to the materials I feel I am entering the treasure chamber. I am so excited as a child in Christmas Eve because every time I discover something new and my soul gets so much nourished.
Thank you!!! Gracias, gracias, gracias!!! 🌸🌸🌸 Love and gratitude, Isa
This class is fantastic. I think that the two of you are AMAZING, or should I say AMAZON WOMEN, for giving and sharing with us. My brain and heart are in full gear for the new beginning. I bow to the wonder in both of you. ~Emma Waner
Thank you dear Cayelin and Tami for the fabulous classes and handouts and the amazing way you are holding this space for all of us. Thank you so much for all you are both offering. It is huge. It is rocking and transforming my life. ~Kathleen McIntire
I have been blessed with a day to explore and listen to all the recordings that we have been gifted with – thanks Cayelin, and Tami! Every month these meditations and activations are such a treat and so profound! ~ Suzan Steinberg
I am so thankful for this online course. Without it, I would be going through all of this and have no idea why or that others were experiencing similar things or how to handle it all. So, I know my Higher Power, the Grandmothers, my Angels and all supreme beings are watching out for me. Plus, What an amazingly powerful FaceBook group!! I am awe-struck at the caliber of people responding and sharing. WOW!!! As a teacher, to have this kind of response between students was always considered the best.
I sense that something truly remarkable is happening here and I am looking forward to see how this all turns out for us all. It feels very magical. I believe we are in the embryo stages of a miracle! ~Karen Salvador
I have been dancing with Venus and the Full Moon in Thailand where I live and I am feeling more femenine than ever, lol! Also connecting with my name, Mar means sea in Spanish!!! and I love it! Thank you, Cayelin and Tami, for being my teachers, I am learning so much and the more I learn about astrology the more I feel that I am called to revive these myths into being.
I was always very attracted to mythology since I was a teenager and now it is making so much sense, I was meant to participate in the creation and recreation of myths from the past to the future generations.
I am going for Full Certification with SAMS and I so thank you for showing this path to me. I had a very intense and deep year last year and working with the Venus class gave me the understanding I needed to let go of a lot of past stories and suffering, that were not serving me anymore. This has been so magical.
Each chakra gate was exactly synchronized with what I was experiencing. I still feel it is part of me but I can feel it in a more liberated manner and more as a blessing to help others who experience similar stories so I can stop fighting against myself and begin dreaming a better world into being. Discovering that I have my Venus in Aries in the Underworld with Gemini Metagoddess makes so much sense.
I have even enjoyed the journey to the underworld because it made me feel so alive. I am looking forward to start this next phase, trusting it is giving me more insight as I communicate with others what I have learned in the past few years. ~Mar Guerrero http://www.marguerrero.net/info/
OMG the classes you are doing are simply amazing, almost too much to keep up with here in the Between time of the Underworld. You two are doing such important work IMHO (In My Humble Opinion). With all we’re doing with this signature series and Venus Journey class, I want to say it’s not like it’s not already crazy with being full into my Venus return, coming to know I’m born at the 8th Gate and what that does to how I understand myself and effing doing it, loving myself and knowing that I rock (Leo Venus overtone)! Nancy
Deep bow of gratitude to Cayelin and Tami and all fellow Venus voyagers through the Libra/ Scorpio cycle. I have received so much healing, insight and am so amazed at how we can co-create with the celestial realms. I found all the classes so awesome with content and visuals. Karen O
I’m so deeply grateful for this beautiful work you two are bringing forth. Gifting me and deepening my own understanding as wells all our Sisters, children, goddesses of beautiful Mother Earth with the wild unleashed Spirit of the Divine feminine in so many infinite magic alchemies. I’ve looked at Venus often querying what exactly is she saying, until now I have found the information isnt deep enough.
Wow, what an amazing and transformative class this has been! Many thanks to both of you for an Outstanding Job. By FAR, THE BEST Shamanic Astrology class I have taken, EVER! Even more interesting for me, having it be a teleclass did not make one tiny bit of difference than in the” old days.” ~ Liz Montrey
I have so LOVED this Venus Journey… you both are so brilliant and so caring :-)!!! I feel so blessed and fortunate to have the opportunity to have you two as my beloved guides… THANK YOU beyond words!!! ~ Diane
I feel I really did some deep throat chakra clearing during the journeys for the throat Chakra descent class. It feels like it may have cleared lineage issues for me in this chakra. Always amazed and wowed by all of the beautiful work you two Venus Vision Carriers are bringing forth. ~Robyn
I have to say this Venus Alchemy class has been life changing for me, beyond all my expectations. Thank you for holding such an amazing space for personal transformation with intention, depth, enthusiasm and passion for the work and information. It’s rare to find people who are in impeccable alignment with themselves and their sacred work and I am truly grateful for what you do. MM
Aries-Pisces Ceremonial Journey
Ceremonial Journeying With the Aries AND Pisces Meta-Goddess as she Descends and Ascends through the Chakra Gates.
No Previous Knowledge of Astrology is Necessary to engage this intimate and life changing initiation deepening your connection to the Sacred Feminine within and without!
Explore Your Venus Signature!
How would it feel and what would it take to further enliven your Inner Goddess so she is guiding you toward joyfully living your soul’s purpose?
Updated Venus Signature Series Now with 14 Classes
Diving Even Deeper Into
Your Personal Venus Signature.
Get Your Personal Venus Reading
Dive one on one into your specific Venus signature and astrological chart. What aspects of the Feminine are you here to learn about and share with us all?
Where does Venus fit into your entire natal chart and your Soul's evolutionary path of growth, empowerment and transformation?