Discover your Venus Signature
and How It Informs your Life

What would it take to enliven your Inner Goddess, radically understand who you are meant to be, and magically fulfill your soul’s purpose?

All Venus Alchemy classes invite you to experience the ceremonial, initiatory dimension of Venus in our personal lives, as well as in the collective. This Class Series invites a more direct experience of the Goddess as she uniquely expresses through YOU.

We are here to bring forward a special, never before seen, incarnation of the Goddess as we make an evolutionary leap at this current dawning of a new era.

This Venus Signature Series is NOT the Monthly Ceremonial Venus Journey Live with Cayelin and Tami. However, it is a powerful online course that is ready to be engaged as a way to discover more about your personal Venus Signature as described below. 
To find our current ceremonial LIVE Venus Journey through the Venus Gates go to the first link under the Venus Alchemy Classes Tab titled either Morning or Evening Star Journey.

This 14 class series described in detail below is ready to engage at your own pace with 4 LIVE Bonus Q & A. The first one was in November, 2019. (Details below.) This series provides you with a deep and profound direct experience of the Goddess within and how she is intended to uniquely express through YOU.

I am loving every bit of this signature class.
The contributions are so full of heart.
Thank you Cayelin and Tami for the space. ~RC

I have just listened to the Overview
and am Seeing in a New way already and Loving it! ~Celia

This Video is a quick overview of the entire course.

Thank you Cayelin and Tami for your work with Venus. I studied psychology at uni and have read so many self help books, taken retreats and webinars to try and understand this energy that I’ve been living with for years. Now thanks to this Venus work, I’m finally feeling seen/understood and at home with this Alchemical energy. MJ

Featuring 4 LIVE Bonus Q & A

We are offering one live Q & A each quarter over the next year designed to support you in answering any questions you have for each of the 4 sections of this course. This class is designed to take place at your own pace.

However, these LIVE Q & A are intended to help deepen your connection to your personal Venus Signature and for those who are doing Venus Readings with your clients. See schedule at the bottom of this page.

This is a powerful offering as a stand alone Series that will radically expand your understanding of your Venus Signature – bringing all the parts connected to her into a greater whole. If you desire a ceremonial connection with Venus and her Initiation Cycle we also highly recommend our extremely popular Venus Initiation Journey with the Goddess Series.

This is the best understanding and exploration of Venus I have ever encountered. Thank you Cayelin and Tami for your depth of knowledge, experience and ability to make this not only accessible but fun. Clearly Venus knew what she was doing when she picked you both to represent and teach her mysteries! ~CM

I love, love, love this new Venus class! I keep poring over the amazing master file and finding so many synergies in my life. Thank you for bringing this material forth in such an amazing way. ~Robyn


No Previous Knowledge
of Astrology is Necessary
To Take These Classes

There are 14 classes with some overview content and in-depth exploration that allows you to go even deeper. 

These classes also feature experiential tools: including guided meditations, invocations, journaling, movement, and deepening exercises, designed to reveal these mysteries in new ways.

These classes also utilize the power of intent, the power of questions, the power of invocation and the power of awareness to catalyze new insights and understanding of the Venus Mysteries.

Just WOW to your course. Thank you for sharing this wisdom, it’s activating and unlocking so much resonance within me and I’ve only just started! I’ve been called to do more with Venus and the Goddess for a long time now, so I consider this a blessing that has graced my life. So much gratitude to you both! Nicola

I am Forever grateful for the growth and learning opportunity being part of the Venus series has been for me. Thank you for sharing your brilliance in a way that makes it understandable and useful! Gerry

Classes Offered

Class 01: Your Venus Star Phase: Overview of the Morning, Evening, and Underworld Venus Phases
Class 02: Indepth look at the Morning Star Phase
Class 03: Indepth look at the Inanna Underworld Phase
Class 04: Indepth look at the Evening Star Phase
Class 05: Indepth look at the Metamorphic Underworld
Class 06: Your Inner Star Phases Including Venus Chakra Gates, Between Phases, Retrograde Phases etc. including additional Keys to Transformation
Class 07: 
Your Venus Overtone: Insights Into Your Meta-Goddess
Class 08: 
Indepth look at Aquarius, Capricorn, Virgo Leo Meta-Goddesses
Class 09: Indepth look at Aries, Pisces, Scorpio, Libra, Gemini Meta-Goddesses
Class 10: Your Venus & Moon Alchemy: Celebrating the Ancient/Future Feminine
Class 11: Your Venus & Sun Alchemy: Illuminating the Goddess Within
Class 12: Your Venus & Ascendant Alchemy: Enlisting the Support of your Inner Goddess to Embody Your Soul’s Purpose
Class 13: Venus and Outer Planetary Complexes: Discovering Our Master Teachers and Guides
Class 14: Venus Alchemy Synthesis: Bringing it all Together

Thank you both soooo much for your teachings – words simply are inadequate to articulate how I feel about this teaching…..Very, very profound – Although not surprising being that I am about to turn 56 and I am also coming into an 8 year in my personal cycle…..PROFOUND beyond words!!!!  Hugs and much love to you both!!! Jennifer Barr xx

Kudos to you, Cayelin and Tami for a beyond excellent class!! I’m hooked and excited to listen to the entire series. ~DR

SAMS Members Special Rate – Regularly $347 

14 Class
Signature Series

Signature Series Class
3 Payment Plan
$110 each total $330

Both Evening Star and
Venus Signature Series
Special Bundle $475

This Class Series is for you IF:

  • You Are Seeking A More Direct Connection With Your Inner Goddess
  • You Are Desiring to Explore and Experience the Many Facets of Your Personal Expression of the Divine Feminine Within You
  • You Want the benefits of Knowing and Understanding your Venus Star Phase, and Meta Goddess or Overtone (Meta-Goddess)
  • You Enjoy a Ceremonial Context for Discovering the Fundamental Elements of Your Soul’s Purpose
  • You are a Man Who Has A Deep Desire To Encounter and Engage Your Inner Sacred Feminine as Beloved and Ally
  • You Are Participating In the Libra Venus Evening Star Journey and Want To Understand More About Your Place in the Venus Cycle
Wow! A huge thank you for all of the deep rich material and the generous special bonus with all of the Venus Phase information that you have shared – it has confirmed many things for me and sparked new understandings and potential journeys, and hopefully more writing and illustrating – this is all an amazing gift! SG

Here’s What you Will Receive:

  • 14 Class Sessions (8 audio classes with handouts and 6 video classes with handouts) of about 90 minutes
  • Each Class features Experiential Tools, such as Journeying, Journaling, Guided Meditations and much more
  • Suggested Deepening Practices
  • Handouts, Worksheets etc. For The Many Facets Of Your Personal Venus Alchemy
  • Access to In-Depth Video Overview of Venus Synodic Cycle
  • Insight into Your Specific Venus Star Phase
  • Bonus for those taking the Full Class Series. We have created a super cool document that tells you exactly where you (or anyone you know) were born in the Venus Cycle, What Venus Star Phase You Have, What Your Venus Meta Goddess Is (a.k.a Overtone), What Inner Venus Star Phase you have including Chakra Gate (If You Have One) in the Morning and Evening Star Phase or Between Phase, or if you Were Born in Inanna’s Underworld, or the Metamorphic Underworld. This covers all the Venus Cycles from 1929 to now and beyond. AND all of these phases are covered in the above sessions. Value Priceless

I have been blown away by the powerful insights I am having with the “Getting Personal with the Goddess” series – so much so that I found myself close to tears at the recognition of myself in the section on the Metamorphic Underworld. So much of what you describe has been such a huge part of my life experience. Thank you so much, Jennifer

Class Descriptions

Class 1. Overview of Your Venus Star Phase: Exploring the Alchemy of Morning, Evening, and Underworld Venus This class is an overview of  the Morning, Evening, and Underworld Phases of Venus exploring the unique contributions and challenges along with the sacred intent presented by each phase. Through greater awareness and appreciation along with the tools provided your ability to live your life in greater alignment with Great Mystery is greatly enhanced.

Class 2. Venus Morning Star Phase: This class dives more deeply into the Morning Star Phase exploring what it means and how to make the most of it. We all experience this Phase of the Venus Cycle so understanding its intent is beneficial for everyone. For those born in this Star Phase this deeper understanding supports you in understanding an important aspect of your Venus Signature.

Class 3. Venus Underworld Star Phase: A deep dive into the unique experience of the Underworld Star Phase, what it means and how to make the most of it. We all experience this Phase of the Venus Cycle so understanding its intent is beneficial for everyone. For those born in this Star Phase this deeper understanding supports you in understanding an important aspect of your Venus Signature.

Class 4. Venus Evening Star Phase: Diving more deeply into  the Evening Star Phase we explore what it means and how to make the most of it. We all experience this Phase of the Venus Cycle so understanding its intent is beneficial for everyone. For those born in this Star Phase this deeper understanding supports you in understanding an important aspect of your Venus Signature.

Class 5. Venus Metamorphic Star Phase: An In-depth look at the very rare Metamorphic Star Phase, including the three phases within this phase. Again in this class we explorie what it means and how to make the most of it. We all experience this Phase of the Venus Cycle so understanding its intent is beneficial for everyone. For those rare few born in this Star Phase this deeper understanding supports you in understanding an important aspect of your Venus Signature.

Class 6. Your Inner Star Phase or Venus Chakra Gate: Keys to Unlocking Personal Transformation: In this unique and powerful class we briefly review the Venus Star Phase material to support understanding your personal Inner Star Phase, including the Venus Chakra Gates, Underworld Phases, and the Between Phases, what they mean and how to make the most of where you were born into the Venus Story. For example, how might it differ to be a Morning Star at the “Crown Chakra Gate,” versus the “Root Chaka Gate?”  How do men and women experience this differently? How are these Chakra Gates experienced differently in the Morning Star or Evening Star phase? What is the Between and how can we work with this alchemical time?

Class 7. Overview of Your Venus Meta-Goddess (a.k.a Overtone) Overview: Each one of us is born into a specific Archetypal Overtone of the Divine Feminine also expressed as the Meta-Goddess of your Venus Signature. Discover what your specific Meta-Goddes is and how this expression has developed within you over the course of your life. Throughout your life (every 8 years) you experience a 19 month Venus Return intended to actively participate in dismantling the collective barriers and blocks to this unique expression of the feminine showing up on the world stage so she (you) can once again show up as you are divinely intended to do.

Class 8. Venus Meta-Goddess: Capricorn/Aquarius, Leo/Virgo This class dives more deeply into these specific Meta-Goddesses exploring how these Meta-Goddesses are intended to show up. Using invocations and other practical tools and understanding discover how to connect with these energies in ways that are beneficial and supportive in finding healthy expressions of these energies.

Class 9: Venus MetaGoddess: Aries/Pisces, Libra/Scorpio, Gemini Like the previous class we take a deep dive into these specific Meta-Goddesses exploring how they are intended to show up. Using invocations and other practical tools and understanding discover how to connect with these energies in ways that are beneficial and supportive in finding healthy expressions of these energies.

Class 10. Your Venus & Moon Alchemy – Celebrating the Ancient/Future Feminine: WThis class investigates the rich heritage of the feminine we uniquely are, with insights on how to call forth the emerging expression of the Future Feminine we are here to realize.

Class 11. Your Venus & Sun Alchemy – Illuminating the Goddess Within Do Sun Sign descriptions leave you flat and uninspired? Learn how the unique Alchemy of your Sun Venus combination energizes the true Goddess nature you are here to cultivate (women) or engage (men). This will empower you to bring to life (energize) the aspects of the Goddess that are yours to explore.

Class 12. Your Venus & Ascendant – Enlisting the Support of your Inner Goddess to Reach Your Soul’s Purpose: here we explore our intended life curriculum and path to greatest fulfillment, as described by the sign of our Ascendant or Current Life Mystery School. When our Inner Feminine is embodied and empowered it serves to support our intended investigation and exploration of the Mystery School of Current Life Intent. When aligned with this intent it is where we find the greatest fulfillment in this life.

Class 13. Venus and Outer Planetary Complexes – Discovering Our Master Teachers and Guides Who are the Master Teachers and Guides (outer planet aspects to natal Venus) here to help you bring additional dimensions into your emerging Feminine expression (women) and connection to the Inner Feminine (men)? For example, if your Venus is in a fire sign (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius) that fiery Venus Goddess is very different if she is also receiving guidance from Neptune, Saturn or Pluto. Understanding these strategies helps us to work more consciously with these aspects as gifts.

Class 14. Venus Alchemy Synthesis – Bringing it all Together This class empowers you to tell the mythic story of your heroines journey in all its beautiful complexity, poignancy and power. By viewing your life through this sacred lens you will invite the powers of your deeper feminine soul to animate and activate the Goddess within in ways she has never been seen before creating even greater possibilities for living a fulfilling life.

Wow, wow, WOW! I am so excited by what I have learned and how I can help share this with others! Thank you Both for your brilliance and all the fabulous invocations, tools, exercises and insights! It goes way beyond what I had imagined! ~KC

Live Q & A with Tami and Cayelin
on The Venus Star Phases November 7, 2019 at
5 pm Pacific, 8 pm Eastern

Live Q & A with Tami and Cayelin
on The Meta Goddesses
February 4, 2020 at 5 pm Pacific, 8 pm Eastern

Live Q & A with Tami and Cayelin
on The Sun, Moon and Ascendant
on May 4, 2020 at 5 pm Pacific, 8 pm Eastern

Live Q & A with Tami and Cayelin
on The Planetary Complexes
and Synthesis
on Aug 6, 2020 at 5 pm Pacific, 8 pm Eastern

SAMS Tuition Special Rate – Regularly $347 

14 Class
Signature Series

Signature Series Class
3 Payment Plan
$110 each total $330

Both Evening Star and
Venus Signature Series
Special Bundle $475

Aries-Pisces Ceremonial Journey

Ceremonial Journeying With the Aries AND Pisces Meta-Goddess as she Descends and Ascends through the Chakra Gates.

No Previous Knowledge of Astrology is Necessary to engage this intimate and life changing initiation deepening your connection to the Sacred Feminine within and without!

Explore Your Venus Signature!

How would it feel and what would it take to further enliven your Inner Goddess so she is guiding you toward joyfully living your soul’s purpose? 

Updated Venus Signature Series Now with 14 Classes
Diving Even Deeper Into
Your Personal Venus Signature. 

Get Your Personal Venus Reading

Dive one on one into your specific Venus signature and astrological chart. What aspects of the Feminine are you here to learn about and share with us all? 

Where does Venus fit into your entire natal chart and your Soul's evolutionary path of growth, empowerment and transformation?