Venus Alchemy Presents:

on Venus Retrograde.

Venus is retrograde until June 24, 2020.

An Activation and Conversation with Cayelin Castell and Tami Brunk

In This Free Webinar You Will:

Learn why this retrograde is featuring a very special royal star.

Gain In-Depth Insight Into the current Venus Retrograde Cycle

Gain Ceremonial Tools and Practices to Engage it as a Sacred Initiation

Receive an Activation to Support Your Full Alignment and Illumination within this Retrograde Cycle

The Gemini Venus Cycle Initiation Journey first live class is July 5.  Registration and Details are at this link:

Cayelin Castell

Cayelin Castell

Cayelin Castell is co-founder of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School and creator of the Celestial Timings in 1996. Cayelin has been supporting clients in ceremonially engaging their Venus return cycle since 1995.

In 2014 Cayelin and Tami created a way to engage the Venus Cycle as sacred ceremony creating Venus Alchemy. This ceremonial sacred work has been evolving and growing ever since.

Find out more about Cayelin HERE 

Tami Brunk

Tami Brunk

Fully Certified Shamanic Astrologer and past president of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School, Tami Brunk has conducted in-depth research into the Venus Return Cycle and was the first to lead live circles through the entire Venus Synodic Cycle via the Inanna Descent myth in 2010.

Find out more about Tami HERE

Aries-Pisces Ceremonial Journey

Ceremonial Journeying With the Aries AND Pisces Meta-Goddess as she Descends and Ascends through the Chakra Gates.

No Previous Knowledge of Astrology is Necessary to engage this intimate and life changing initiation deepening your connection to the Sacred Feminine within and without!

Explore Your Venus Signature!

How would it feel and what would it take to further enliven your Inner Goddess so she is guiding you toward joyfully living your soul’s purpose? 

Updated Venus Signature Series Now with 14 Classes
Diving Even Deeper Into
Your Personal Venus Signature. 

Get Your Personal Venus Reading

Dive one on one into your specific Venus signature and astrological chart. What aspects of the Feminine are you here to learn about and share with us all? 

Where does Venus fit into your entire natal chart and your Soul's evolutionary path of growth, empowerment and transformation?