Reclaiming the Divine Feminine

Embracing who you came here to be

Venus has long been revered as the Divine Feminine, both as a Goddess and as the planet in the sky. The Greeks called her Aprhodite and the Romans Venus. But, she goes back much farther than that and has been known by many names. She is the ultimate embodiment of the Goddess energy. In ancient Sumer, she was known as Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth. That’s the first writings we have of our current Venus, the ancient Sumerian clay tablets, written in cuneiform. Her story is the from the first writings we have to this day. Following the path of Venus, the planet, through the sky as the representation of the Sacred Feminine, the Queen of Heaven and Earth. Goes even further back, but this we know of.

We trace this ancient “myth” through our modern astronomy and astrology. As above, so below. 

We have three ways for you to participate…

Here’s what we recommend, your next steps…

Intro text, Venus and Divine Feminine, what we all need so much now, why join us

—–> short video 5 min? of Cayelin and Sheridan essentially saying same as text here

Add Venus orbit geometry behind this block


Our Offerings

Venus Ceremonial Journeys

Starts December 18

Our Ceremonial Journey with Venus – our Divine Feminine expression, through the interior and exterior skies. Follow the most ancient myth through the chakras, descending and ascending from the underworld into the celestial.

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Venus Signature Class

Ongoing – Join Anytime

Venus is so much more than an archetype or a sign on your chart. She is born within a certain cycle and magical time. She could be associated with certain chakras or be here to teach us about the depths of the Feminine experience. Regardless, she is here to teach you about the aspect of the Divine Feminine expression within yourself and through which you are rebirthing into the present world.

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Personal Venus Readings

Anytime with Cayelin or Sheridan

Divine privately into your specific Venus signature and astrological chart through the lens of Shamanic Astrology. What aspects of the Feminine are you here to learn about and share with us all? How are you here to bring this archetypal energy back into her fullest power? What does your Venus show us about your path? How does she help bring you back into wholeness within yourself and the world at large?

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- Rakib Hasan

Venus Ceremonial Journey

Join us to do ceremony monthly with the Venus cycle. Monthly classes to step into the Divine Feminine within and without

Venus Signature Series

Where does your Venus lie in the cycle? Pre-recorded class to teach you about your unique Venus expression, going way beyond the sign Venus was in at your birth.

Venus Personal Readings

Dive deeply into your personal Venus and Divine Feminine on your astrological chart with Cayelin or Sheridan

Cayelin and Sheridan

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra. Quisque a vehicula magna.

Cayelin K Castell

Cayelin K Castell

Co-founder of Shamanic Astrology Mystery School and Venus Alchemy, Astrologer and Priestess

Sheridan Semple

Sheridan Semple

Shamanic Astrologer, Spiritual Aromatherapist

Happy Students

Sed a purus sed nunc sagittis posuere. Etiam imperdiet nibh ut ex ullamcorper molestie. Mauris pellentesque augue turpis sed porttitor.

-Melissa Tran

Sed a purus sed nunc sagittis posuere. Etiam imperdiet nibh ut ex ullamcorper molestie. Mauris pellentesque augue turpis sed porttitor.

-Rakib Hosan

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