
LIVE Class Video Below – 7/24/22

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11:59:35 From laurie rae to Everyone:
Hello Everyone from Okotoks, Alberta Canada! Great to see everyone!
12:18:12 From Kate Culver (pronounced KAYtee) to Everyone:
The stars represent Venus? On different days?
12:19:10 From maryfullwood to Everyone:
Lammas details?
12:50:38 From laurie rae to Everyone:
Adrenal Fatigue folks don’t do well with Intermittent Fasting – I have to watch this myself, having the Adrenal issues right now
12:51:23 From maryfullwood to Everyone:
Intuitive eating wisdom is great for really listening to your body.
12:53:25 From Fay Senner to Everyone:
There have been studies with the 15+hr fasts showing it to be beneficial with people who have had breast cancer.
13:03:14 From maryfullwood to Everyone:
I’m needing to step off – have a wonderful Sunday ❤️
13:07:08 From nancy to Everyone:
Thank you, Rhonda! Yes, well, considering these tumultuous times. Hope you’re happy and healthy too!
13:10:44 From ariannashusband to Everyone:
awesome. thank you for finding her.
13:12:28 From ariannashusband to Everyone:
what is the pictured tree?
13:13:04 From ariannashusband to Everyone:
13:13:36 From ariannashusband to Everyone:
it looks like love in the mist
13:14:08 From ariannashusband to Everyone:
what is Cistus?
13:15:44 From ariannashusband to Everyone:
13:32:39 From laurie rae to Everyone:
How do we Apply the Chakra Gates info to our Country’s Birth chart?
13:32:49 From ariannashusband to Everyone:
what was it you were saying about moon venus in morning sky re july 26
13:33:06 From laurie rae to Everyone:
Canada was born as a country a few hours after the ROOT Chakra Gate in JULY 1 1867
13:34:25 From laurie rae to Everyone:
Venus was in GEMINI within the SAG Meta Goddess
13:34:30 From laurie rae to Everyone:
For Canada’s Chart
13:35:50 From laurie rae to Everyone:
I’ll send it to you – Ottawa, Ontario at Midnight JULY 1 1867
13:45:24 From laurie rae to Everyone:
Thank you Cayelin and Sheridan and Everyone! Blessed BE! Namaste

Morning Star Root Chakra Meditation - 18 minutes

by Cayelin K Castell

There is NO Venus Temple Journey for this Gate
but the Inanna Journey Below is worth revisiting
as we pass through the 7th Gate/Root Chakra
and Begin Preparing for the Underworld Time…
Yes there is still an 8th Gate in August
when the final preparation occurs.


Entire Inanna Journey - 27 Minutes. This is Worth Revisiting NOW. Be sure to allow a few moments to load this audio

by Cayelin K Castell

Root Chakra Toning with Claudette

Toning Links

Find more links and an Introductory Video
from Claudette
on Chakra Toning at link below


Clicking on the image to the right to see high res quality

See Claudette’s Instructional Video below for Root Chakar Toning

Root Chakra Toning Document