Dear Venus Ceremonial and Signature Series Participants,

We are thrilled you are joining us for both powerful Venus Series.

This page has all the access information you need for both the Morning Star Ceremonial and Signature Series below. Evening Star Series info will be sent once that has been created closer to the start of the Evening Star Series.

Be sure to save the links and passwords so you always
have access to this content.

We will send emails for the Ceremonial Series as we go (the evening star class page will be created closer to that time and you will get a notice when its ready) but for the Signature Series we will only be sending emails as we get closer to each live Q & A about every 3 months.

The Comprehensive Venus Signature Series Content!

All the class materials are posted and ready to be accessed at the link below.

The Class Page is located at
The password is: MyVenus and is case sensitive and be sure there are no spaces. Save this information to re-access the page.

In case you have not yet taken a Venus Alchemy Course, there are additional videos and support documents posted on the class page to support your journey.

It is not required but highly recommended you share your written insights with us for the Q & A. We would love to get your written questions and insights before we go live. Our next live Q & A is Feb 13 at 11 am Pacific, 2 pm Eastern. See the main class page for the Zoom link and stay tuned for an email with more about this live online event.

Stay tuned for Zoom information for the live Q & A that will be sent before the next live Q & A gathering.

A Secret FacebookClass Page is available.
If you have a FB page friend Cayelin at and we will get you added to the page.

Here is the link to Signature Series FB page.
This link will not work for you until we have invited you to page.

Ceremonial Evening Star Access Link Here
Scroll Down for Morning Star Access to Main Class Page
Preparing for the Evening Star Class Suggestions
are in the Morning Star Section Below.


The Access page now requires this Password.

Password is: SolarLioness23


Ceremonial Morning Star ContentPreparation Tools To Support Your Journey

If this is your first time taking our Venus Alchemy Ceremonial Series, we recommend start with watching two videos on the Class Page (link on button below).

Video #1: Overview of the 19-month Venus Cycle.
Video #2: Ceremonial Considerations for the Venus Cycle.

Scroll to the bottom of the Class Page to find these two videos, under Videos to Support Your Understanding of the Venus Cycle.

Access details for each live class is posted on the Class Page, along with the dates for each class. We will also send a reminder email with those details before each class.

If you’ve got extra time to spare and are content junkies, like us, there are additional resources you may listen to including:
Meet Your Grandmother Guide Meditation,
the Venus Temple Guided Journey,
Sky Temple Guided Journey,
and Tuning into your Chakras meditation.
All of this is located on the class page, under Bonus Audios.

We realize this is a lot of content so be sure to take your time and watch or listen to whatever works for you. These are all simply additional resources should you want them and/or have extra time. This content is not going anywhere and you have until Aug 2022 before the last class.

If you have signed up for both Morning and Evening Star Series know the Evening Star information will be provided via email as we get closer to that time.

You can also access the bonus material that goes with this class directly from the Class Page. Scroll down the page to find the link and password.

Our hope is these are helpful and inspiring tools for you to use and listen to as often as you like.

Facebook Group Page:
You need to be a member of the group before you can access this link.

Please “friend” Cayelin by clicking here and/or Sheridan by clicking here for one of us to invite you to the Facebook GroupIt is optional so no worries if you are not on Facebook. We have several in the class who aren’t.

We are so delighted you are joining us for this life changing journey.

Love, Light and Wise Venus Blessings!

This image (will look similar to this) is for the individual
chakra classes and how you access them as they become active.

Be sure to scroll down the main class page to these
buttons so you can access each individual class.

Check out our Current Class

Journeying with the
Libra Relational Goddess
Maintaining the Cosmic Balance
Descending through
Inanna’s Seven Gates

Explore Your Venus Signature!

How would it feel and what would it take to fully enliven your Inner Goddess so she is guiding you toward fulfilling your soul’s purpose?

Contact Us

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