Cayelin and Tami with Sekhmet
Journeying with the
Libra Relational Goddess
Maintaining the Cosmic Balance
Descending through
Inanna’s Seven Gates
No Previous Knowledge of Astrology Is Necessary
to Be a Part of This Remarkable Ceremonial Journey!
Women, are you ready to release all that is in the way of a healthy relationship with your inner and outer self and the Divine Masculine? Men, are you ready to Claim and Embrace your Inner Relational Goddess?
I’m so impressed with what a great offering this is. You both do such beautiful work and it just gets better and better. Thank you so much, for this and for all you share in the Venus Alchemy class. Many Blessings, Vi
When healthy, the Libra Goddess is about Conscious, Collaborative, Cooperative,
Co-creative Partnerships
The Libra Goddess truly cares about everyone having an equal voice and knows everyone has a perspective worth hearing. She is about cultivating conscious, co-creative, collaborative relationships. This Goddess considers and values all perspectives especially the parts within, even if those parts (or people) don’t agree with her overall point of view. She is willing to be curious about them.
Her interest goes beyond personal relationships to include the relationship with her body, her home, the Earth, nature, magic, and the Cosmos. All of these relationships help to inform her of who she is through what they reflect to her. When healthy and taking 100% responsibility for her experience – she willingly looks into the relational mirror from the perspective that everyone she encounters is reflecting back to her either her shadow parts or her true essence.
This journey then facilitates radical inner and outer relationships that are fulfilling and fun – clearing all that is in the way of this intent.
More on the Libra Goddess Journey
You are invited to join Cayelin Castell and Tami Brunk and the growing Venus Alchemy community on a guided journey through the Libra Venus Cycle, a profound initiation of descent, ascent and renewal into the relational realms.
I am so grateful I gave myself this gift of doing this Venus journey with you during my Venus Return. I have just signed up for the Evening Star Journey too and am so excited. This has been such an amazing life changing experience for me. Amy
The tale of the Sumerian Goddess Inanna is literally patterned after the Venus Cycle and over the course of this Morning Star Venus Series you will experience a rare opportunity to recreate this sacred ceremony in your own life.
AMAZING CALL!! I feel invigorated!! Thank you Cayelin and Tami for sharing and embodying this beautiful sacred work and journey!! I look forward to implementing these tools as part of my daily practice. Sending so much love and blessings!! Shelley
Venus rises closest to the September Equinox in our current time on November 01, 2018. Venus Rises as Evening Star on September 19, 2019 even closer to the Equinox – beginning her Ascent.
This is the first time Venus has risen in the seasonal sign of Libra since 1767 to 1863. The Venus cycle was something ancient cultures enacted ceremonially because they knew the power of group intent and enacting the sacred cycle through the Inanna story.
Other Cool Factors to add to the Story
Venus is with Spica and opposite Eris on September 1, 2018 and again on October 3, 2019. (Venus also stations direct on November 16, 2018 with Spica the star most connected to the Divine Feminine.)
Venus opposite Eris impacts everyone born in – or after – 1927, when Eris entered Aries traveling through this sign until 2044. Eris is currently about 23 Aries. This slow moving dwarf planet (560 year cycle) disrupted the astronomical community in 2005 because they didn’t know how she should be classified – as a planet or asteroid?
This ultimately led to Pluto being demoted from a Planet to a Dwarf Planet – a new classification sparked by the discovery of Eris. It is also interesting to contemplate the significance of this equalizing of Pluto and Eris bringing in an additional understanding around the balance of Aries and Libra. We will explore this subject in greater depth during this Venus Series
Here is more about Eris along with an Eris Ephemeris.
We are all in this together. It is a trying yet promising time in the world. Women joining hearts is a powerful force of beauty. I’ve had a lot of wounding from women in my life. This strong, beautiful circle is offering such healing of old wounds. Surely, the divine feminine energy from our collective is radiating to others as we each move about in our daily lives. Alisé A
I am so glad I am taking this course and am in this community. It probably has saved my sanity and brought me such pleasure in learning the story of Inanna. Having this teaching has made the journey into the underworld through the chakras so rich. I have so loved what you have shared here…~Adele Michal
Morning Star Venus Teleclass Series
November, 2018 to July 2019 Venus is in her Morning Star Descent Phase descending through Inanna’s Seven Chakra Gates (plus an 8th gate) to release all that is in the way of her expressing as a healthy relational Goddess exploring all relationships including our relationship to the sacred, to nature, to the Earth, with ourselves and each other.
At each gate you will experience in depth experiential tools, including guided journeys, star maps, homeplay, chakra meditations and invocations, that reveal the hidden mysteries of this initiatory descent journey as Inanna releases her chakra vestments as a major feature of her journey to the underworld where she dies to who she has believed herself to be so she can be reborn to who she truly is.
I feel I really did some deep throat chakra clearing during the journeys for the throat Chakra descent class. It feels like it may have cleared lineage issues for me in this chakra. Always amazed and wowed by all of the beautiful work you two Venus Vision Carriers are bringing forth. Robyn
During the descent we join together in releasing release everything in the way of experiencing healthy, vital, ecstatic healthy chakra energy. Our ceremonial collective intent further magnifies and amplifies our individual experience assisting each participant to experience whatever is needed for a successful initiatory journey.
It’s been a radical! and sometimes tumultuous journey so far for me in this Venus Return; a lot of life changes and experiences to navigate, yet, every step of the way I have felt profoundly supported by you, Cayelin, and Tami and the sacred container that is Venus Alchemy. I have been brought more clearly into focus around the Sacred Work that is truly mine to do and I am so grateful. ~ Elizabeth
I don’t think I’d be doing near as well as I am if not for this Venus connection and community. Learning how to surrender has been key to my mental and physical health and I am grateful. KC
Is This Journey For You?
This course is open to both men and women desiring a deeper connection to the divine feminine wisdom as expressed through Venus. The power of this series, amplified by our collective intention, provides a profound alchemical connection with Venus even if you are not in a personal Venus return
This Journey is for you IF:
- You are in a personal 8 year Venus Return (Find Out HERE)
- You have significant Libra on your natal chart (Moon, Sun, Ascendant, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, North/South Node)
- You desire to experience a deeper sense of relating to yourself and others…
- You would like powerful community support in participating with an ancient ceremonial practice honoring the divine feminine in ways that work for our current time
- You desire to explore a direct and personally empowering experience of the Venus Cycle in all her most magnificent possibilities
- You are ready to clear and release any and all blocks that may remain around fully expressing who you really are!
- You are ready to experience even more magic and possibility in your life.
This series is based in an ancient cultural ceremonial practice designed to support your own personal transformation. Over the years we, along with many others, have found working with the Venus Cycle is powerfully life-changing and we would love to have you join us.
At each gate you will experience in depth experiential tools, including guided journeys, star maps, homeplay, chakra meditations and invocations, that reveal the hidden mysteries of this initiatory descent journey as Inanna releases here chakra vestments on her journey to the underworld where she dies to who she has believed herself to be so she can be reborn to who she truly is.
I feel I did really deep throat chakra clearing during the journeys for the throat Chakra descent class. It feels like I may have cleared lineage issues for me in this chakra. I am always amazed and wowed by all of the beautiful work you two Venus Vision Carriers are bringing forth. RW
During the descent our intent is to release everything in the way of experiencing healthy, vital, ecstatic life force energy with each of the chakras. Our ceremonial collective intent further magnifies the impact of this Morning Star Teleclass Series
It’s been a radical! and sometimes tumultuous journey so far for me in this Venus Return; a lot of life changes and experiences to navigate, yet, every step of the way I have felt profoundly supported by you, Cayelin, and Tami and the sacred container that is Venus Alchemy. I have been brought more clearly into focus around the Sacred Work that is truly mine to do and I am so grateful. ~ Elizabeth
Having just completed my own potent Venus Return in Leo, I have such deep appreciation for the compassionate and inspired leadership of Cayelin and Tami. I feel more empowered to step forward into this new expression of Aries as it energizes those fiery personal planets in my chart. ~ Nikkea
Here’s What you Will Receive
- Monthly Live and Recorded 90 minute classes with ceremonies designed for each Chakra Gate. If you can make the live class there is time for Q and A or you can email questions and comments before the class.
- 8 Videos of Each Chakra Gate and how to work with them
- Guided Meditations for each Chakra Gate
- Beautiful PDF Handout with Star Maps for the Venus Gates, Chakra Information, Ceremonial Suggestions etc.
- Suggested Deepening Practices or Homeplay
- Option to have a Venus Buddy to journey with for the duration of the cycle
- Access to a Private Facebook Page where you can post your insights, ask questions and get support as well as see what others are sharing
- 50 minute Bonus Video describing the Venus Cycle and how it relates to the Inanna Story
- Bonus Audio Meditations to support your journey
- Venus Audio and PDF Package bonus. This bonus includes the most essential background information about the 19 month Venus Cycle with a look at the Sun through the signs as seasons and is valued at $97.
You two are so dazzlingly brilliant with your Venus Teleclass series… LOVE!!! everything you two do…WOW to it all!!!… So of course I’m going to continue with my two beloved and delightful Goddess Guides ❤… and YAY for the new Venus Cycle! Diane
Our First Live Class is Wednesday
Nov 28, 2018 at 5:00 pm PST, 7 pm EST
Live Class Dates and Gates 2018 and 2019 (Class dates subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances) Each Class Available for Replay by the next day.
About the Facilitators
Cayelin Castell is a Divine Creation High Priestess and co-founder of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School with over twenty-two years of experience guiding clients and students through Venus Return Cycles.
Shamanic Astrologer and former President of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School Tami Brunk has conducted in-depth research into the Venus Return Cycle and first led in person circles through the entire Venus Synodic Cycle via the Inanna Descent myth.
Cayelin that meditation was incredibly powerful…wow – just wanted to honour the magic of that!! And to both you ladies Tami/Cayelin – thank you for the teaching, the classes, holding the space…it has been beautiful, big juicy, and profound for me (for everyone I am sure!!)… got so much from it! JUST WANTED TO SEND THE LOVE BACK XXX Kyrona
A Note About Class Tuition For Shamanic Astrology Mystery School Members
Bronze, Gold and Platinum Members of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School (SAMS) receive a special rate for this class as a thank you for supporting the School.
Members will receive via email a link to sign-up for the membership rate. If you are a new member or you no longer have the link contact us at infovenusalchemy@gmail.com and once we verify you are a member – we will send you the link.
Also be sure to note additional information about signing up for this Series below the PayPal Buttons.
Morning Star Class
Full Pay Option
Three Payment Plan
Morning Star Only
$129 Each
Billed automatically for 3 months
Save $40 with the Full Pay Option
Morning and Evening Star
Save $84 on Tuition for both
Morning and Evening Star Series
If the email address connected to your PayPal account is NOT your preferred email address to receive class communication please email Tami at tamibrunk@gmail.com with your preferred email address. Thank you!
If you have any other questions email Tami at tamibrunk@gmail.com and Cayelin at cayelink@gmail.com
*If new to the Venus Tele-class series you will receive Cayelin Castell’s Venus Audio and PDF Package bonus when paid in full. This bonus includes the most essential background information about the 19 month Venus Cycle with a look at the Sun through the signs as seasons and is valued at $97.
I have so LOVED the entire “Venus Series” You both are so brilliant and so caring 🙂 !!! I feel so blessed and fortunate to have the opportunity to have you two as my beloved guides… THANK YOU beyond words!!! DR
The calls have been so much fun! I need the positive insight and all the sharing. I agree with others about feeling so connected to everyone. I do the same thing, envision everyone taking this journey with me…whenever I see beauty. Thank you. ~Rhonda
If you prefer to mail a check you can send it to:
Venus Alchemy
8986 N Treasure Mountain Drive
Tucson, AZ 85742
I’d like to say (again, if I haven’t said it before) that you two are geniuses. Thank you so very much for your teaching. I have some ideas about how I’m going to put on Inanna’s garments and step into life in a new way. Joanne
Aries-Pisces Ceremonial Journey
Ceremonial Journeying With the Aries AND Pisces Meta-Goddess as she Descends and Ascends through the Chakra Gates.
No Previous Knowledge of Astrology is Necessary to engage this intimate and life changing initiation deepening your connection to the Sacred Feminine within and without!
Explore Your Venus Signature!
How would it feel and what would it take to further enliven your Inner Goddess so she is guiding you toward joyfully living your soul’s purpose?
Updated Venus Signature Series Now with 14 Classes
Diving Even Deeper Into
Your Personal Venus Signature.
Get Your Personal Venus Reading
Dive one on one into your specific Venus signature and astrological chart. What aspects of the Feminine are you here to learn about and share with us all?
Where does Venus fit into your entire natal chart and your Soul's evolutionary path of growth, empowerment and transformation?