Heart Chakra 4th Gate


Live Class Video below

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Live Class Chat

14:02:52 From Genevieve Chavez Mitchell to Everyone:
Hello All, lovely to see you all!!!
14:03:07 From Shelley to Everyone:
is my video lookim
14:03:26 From Ellie Cleary to Everyone:
So much intensity
14:03:32 From Shelley to Everyone:
14:03:46 From Ellie Cleary to Everyone:
So happy to finally make one of these live, I’ve been watching replays for the last year of our journey! <3
14:03:57 From meridith to Everyone:
Yes! also feeling both..grateful for all of it!
14:06:47 From laurie rae to Everyone:
It’s been an interesting Time of Change in my life both personally and professionally!
14:09:48 From Lafae to Everyone:
Feel that! Very happy to be here live today, and to see everyone <3 Love these invocations
14:19:01 From Fay Senner to Everyone:
It that Charliko with Pluto?
14:19:57 From Fay Senner to Everyone:
Ok thank you
14:22:41 From Aunsheen Arianna to Everyone:
when I looked up at mars and saw that and it was so magical
14:22:50 From Aunsheen Arianna to Everyone:
you are rubbing of on me
14:33:32 From laurie rae to Everyone:
Love this Demon graphic!
14:38:29 From laurie rae to Everyone:
Will share this Heart / Mind communication with my 85-year old Mom whose been experiencing a LOT of not being able to decide to Follow Her Own Heart – thank you for these points Sheridan!
14:40:02 From Jeffery Grundtner to Everyone:
This leaves out the magnetic field of the sun
14:44:58 From Kimie Fujimoto to Everyone:
Love the deep questions, 🙃 Thank you.
14:46:39 From Genevieve Chavez Mitchell to Everyone:
Thank you so much for sharing about Cecilia Payne!!!
14:48:28 From caro luna rosa to Everyone:
That would be good to add to the turmeric golden milk evening drink right?!
14:51:20 From laurie rae to Everyone:
Alberta Wild Rose is 5-petalled
14:52:21 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
And each petal of the Rugosa Roses is shaped like a heart!! I used to make Rose Petal Elixirs from rose petals of Rugosa Roses that grow all along the Maine coast! An amazing Elixir for the heart!
14:53:57 From caro luna rosa to Everyone:
Wow Deborah sounds amazing – do you still have any?
14:54:15 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
14:54:42 From caro luna rosa to Everyone:
Oooh can I reach out pls?!
14:58:16 From laurie rae to Everyone:
I use this technique while also saying the O’ Hoponopono
14:58:35 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
how wonderful Laurie
14:59:04 From laurie rae to Everyone:
Very powerful to shift from deep emotional states that aren’t loving!
15:00:51 From laurie rae to Everyone:
I find it fascinating that the South Lunar Node has been in SCORPIO throughout this whole Capricorn Venus MetaGoddess journey – and continues to be until mid-July! Been HUGELY transformative for me
15:01:54 From meridith to Everyone:
Appreciate the references to the previous Venus cycle class.
15:16:47 From Kimie Fujimoto to Everyone:
That’s beautiful, dear!
15:20:12 From meridith to Everyone:
Thanks Kimie and Caro and Lafae for sharing your journey with us
15:22:04 From Aunsheen Arianna to Sheridan Semple (she/her)(Direct Message):
Can I do a little short sing us out?
15:23:00 From Aunsheen Arianna to Sheridan Semple (she/her)(Direct Message):
You are the heart, you are the hands, you are the voice of spirit on earth…and who you are and all you doo is a blessing in the world….just that…
15:24:18 From Sharon Fortier to Everyone:
Feeling into the electric magnetic field of my heart and the neccessity of clarifying my energy so that I am sending and receiving a frequency that is truly resonant with who I am in truth. This feels potent for me right now
15:24:36 From Aunsheen Arianna to Everyone:
Reacted to “Feeling into the ele…” with 🥰
15:24:43 From Marcy to Everyone:
I have to hop off. Heartfelt blessings to all!
15:25:12 From meridith to Everyone:
Yes! Karen I understand about the release of the dark things we repress.. I’m learning how to express anger in a way that is appropriate …also letting myself of the hook when it comes out awkwardly. My dreamtime is helping me I think.
15:25:26 From meridith to Everyone:
Hello beautiful Lisa
15:27:53 From meridith to Everyone:
Yes to so much of what you are saying! Yes to the sleep world work! Me too! And blessed Mother Mary coming in. Persephanie is my # 1 Goddess when I take the tests for that. Do you resonate with Sophia as well?
15:28:09 From laurie rae to Everyone:
I hear you on the Sacred marriage of Mars/Venus connection during this current Capricorn Venus Journey – been amazing!
15:28:26 From meridith to Everyone:
Lovely to meet you Lisa1
15:31:33 From meridith to Everyone:
Lovely for me to meet you and hear what you have to say
15:32:26 From meridith to Everyone:
Shelley…thank you for your share and your insights
15:33:39 From meridith to Everyone:
Lisa, click on to “everyone”
15:33:58 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
Thank you ALL so much! This has been so beautiful today!! <3
15:34:45 From laurie rae to Everyone:
Awesome energy again today – sending Love and Light to All
15:47:34 From laurie rae to Everyone:
Thank you all! xoxoxo

4th Chakra Evening Star PDF for Video Below

OVERVIEW of the Heart Chakra recommended to view before the live class or live class video.


Helpful Resources

Time Magazine Article: Singing Changes your Brain http://ideas.time.com/2013/08/16/singing-changes-your-brain/

The 12 Instant Benefits of Humming Daily

“Humming” Wonder Questions and Thinking Big with Gay Hendricks

Healthy Self Love and Not Giving Your Power Away

Call of the Wild by Kimberly Ann Johnson

Violet Flame Meditation from Arianna

More on the Violet Flame also has a link to Summit Lighthouse 

Note: it may take a minute for the audio meditation below to load.

Toning Links

Find more links and an Introductory Video from Claudette on Chakra Toning at link below


4th Gate Heart Chakra Gate Toning PDF from Claudette

The Wings of My Heart
by James Ingram

I remember the day
You went out of your way
Just to sing me I do
I still feel butterflies
When I look in your eyes
That old magic in you
Is still there, still the same
Like the sun and the rain
Nothing’s change
Our love remains
You’re my anchor and
My sail in the wind
I need you here forever
So hang on to the wings of my heart
We can fly together
Love will take us beyond the clouds
If you hold on
To the wings of my heart
When I wake up you’re there
Tender words in my ear
You whispered softly to me
After all of these years
The smiles and some tears
We’re still holding on
So strong
So deep is the line
One of a kind
With a touch of divine
Soaring through time
You’re my anchor and
My sail in the wind
I need you here forever
So hang on to the wings of my heart
We can fly together
Love will take us beyond the clouds
If you hold on
To the wings of my heart