8th Gate Death by Intent
Earth Star Chakra and Underworld
The Healing Power of Shaking as Described in the Underworld Video and our Live Class
A book that has inspired this journey
Descent to the Goddess: A Way of Initiation for Women (and men)
Another book that has inspired this journey
Descent of Inanna as told by Diane Wolkstein and Samuel Kramer
This page already had the 27 minute ceremonial Venus journey at the bottom of the page so here it is again in case you haven’t heard it or want to hear it again. It is also on the Bonus Content page.
8th gate Earth Star Chakra Venus Gate PDF for above Video
Chat from Live Class
10:53:43 From Rhonda Tabor to Everyone:
I had no idea what I was getting into.
10:54:02 From Rhonda Tabor to Everyone:
Changed my life!
10:54:27 From Rhonda Tabor to Everyone:
I’m using a new JBL speaker
11:07:09 From Karen S to Everyone:
on my birthday!
11:16:55 From Rebecca to Everyone:
star of east?
11:29:50 From melody to Everyone:
Archangel Michael too
NOTE: Archangel Michael is connected to the Royal Star Aldebaran
11:31:07 From melody to Everyone:
This takes place in my 12th house!
11:32:25 From Ilene Goldstein to Everyone:
My natal Venus and Mercury are out of bounds.Excited Venus will be evening star on my Bearthday Dec 8!
11:32:35 From Rhonda Tabor to Everyone:
I love psychopomp work
11:40:21 From Mary to Everyone:
like help me where I am willing and where i am not willing
11:40:55 From Rhonda Tabor to Everyone:
Very cool. You are awesome Cayelin!
11:45:06 From Rhonda Tabor to Everyone:
Yrs ago during journey to underworld, black jaguar told me., “Know what you know!” I’ve never forgotten that. TY for reminding me of jaguar.
12:05:41 From Ilene Goldstein to Everyone:
I love her! Gratefully, I was able to be with her several times in the before times! I miss her! Her hugs are amazing, she always held my head on her breast and I cried every time! 💗
12:06:03 From Kathy Stanley to Everyone:
Grateful to have received her hug
12:10:07 From Ilene Goldstein to Everyone:
I grow vetiver! Excited to know these properties! Thanx Sheridan! I didn’t know any of that, friend gave me some from her plant.
12:22:07 From Rhonda Tabor to Everyone:
TY for facilitating!
12:22:23 From Mary to Everyone:
Cayelin Castell and Sharidan, you are so beautiful! thank you
12:22:48 From Sonia Maria to Everyone:
Thank You so much !
12:23:23 From reginanordquist to Everyone:
Thank you Sheridan and Cayelin and fellow participants🙂
12:24:59 From Andrew G’s iPhone to Everyone:
Thank You All YUTTA HEY:)
12:25:37 From laurie rae to Everyone:
It was awesome to realize, today, that I was born with Regulus Rising along with my PLUTO Rx at 00 degrees Virgo – looking forward to renewing my Sacred Work – empowered by it! I’ve been letting Go of so much these past 3 months re “addicted to Doing” so I wonder HOW I will be Doing my Astrology work after this – Namaste
12:27:05 From laurie rae to Everyone:
Hi Annette my Venus Buddy! Great to See you here! xo
12:29:16 From Karen’s iPad to Everyone:
Thank you so much, Cayelin and Sheridan. Beautiful!❤️🌺🌻
12:29:42 From caro luna rosa to Everyone:
such a beautiful share Sonia 💗🙏🏽
12:31:09 From Marcy to Everyone:
I have to sign off. Blessings to all. This was wonderful. Looking forward to the next journey.
12:32:07 From Rhonda Tabor to Everyone:
Cayelin, can you recommend a book(s) about Jaguar Days & all about the Mayan belief?
12:33:31 From Sheridan Semple (she/her) to Everyone:
December 18 is our first gate class! Yay!
12:34:14 From Cayelin to Everyone:
This article has more. I am not aware of books other than Secrets of the Talking Jaguar. https://cayelincastell.com/ix-day-of-the-jaguar/
12:34:29 From Rhonda Tabor to Everyone:
12:35:29 From Sonia Maria to Everyone:
Thank you so much for your powerful info and insights about Medusa ! ❤️🙏
12:35:45 From caro luna rosa to Everyone:
Yes, thank you Regina 💛
12:36:27 From caro luna rosa to Everyone:
Thank you so so much Cayelin + Sheridan, so amazing ✨🙏🏽✨
12:36:31 From Mary to Everyone:
12:36:42 From Karen S to Everyone:
Thank you, thank you!!
12:36:44 From laurie rae to Everyone:
Thanks Everyone! Love and Light and Blessings!
12:50:30 From Kathy Stanley to Everyone:
Thank you Sheridan and Cayelin and everyone for such a potent class and whole cycle.
Venus Underworld Meditation - 19 minutes
To download the Underworld Venus Meditation Audio click HERE
27 minute Journey through the Inanna Story
Leo Ceremonial Journey
Ceremonial Journeying With the Leo Meta-Goddess as she Descends and Ascends through the Chakra Gates.
No Previous Knowledge of Astrology is Necessary to engage this intimate and life changing initiation deepening your connection to the Sacred Feminine within and without!
Explore Your Venus Signature!
How would it feel and what would it take to further enliven your Inner Goddess so she is guiding you toward joyfully living your soul’s purpose?
Updated Venus Signature Series Now with 14 Classes
Diving Even Deeper Into
Your Personal Venus Signature.
Get Your Personal Venus Reading
Dive one on one into your specific Venus signature and astrological chart. What aspects of the Feminine are you here to learn about and share with us all?
Where does Venus fit into your entire natal chart and your Soul's evolutionary path of growth, empowerment and transformation?