Leo Morning Star Sacral Chakra 6th Gate

Life Changing Abundance Affirmations that changed Cayelin’s experience of Money and Finances in 2004.

Juno Moneta Second Chakra by Cayelin Castell and Gina Dawn Gavaris

Juno Moneta the Mother of Money by Dianne M. Juhl

There is a Great Documentary on the Financial inequity of our current time Inequity For All with Robert Reich with a trailer and a link to see the movie.

Sacral Chakra Morning Star Video Below

2nd Chakra Morning Star Venus Slides PDF

Sacral Chakra Morning Star Live Class Video Below

Download PDF of Live Class Slides HERE 

Chat from live class

13:13:04 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
Can you talk about t”The Waters of Nub’? Where the Heavenly bird are?
13:13:35 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
13:14:29 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
Where the bird constellations are… what is the NUN?
13:21:33 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
I have this deck too….love it…playful and powerful energies
13:22:08 From Laura Altman to Everyone:
Love that
13:27:11 From Daniela Caronia to Everyone:
today i had a walk and a couple of eagles was flying over me !
13:28:30 From Aunsheen to Everyone:
Especially the intro chapters are amazing
13:28:42 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
Wow! Daniela… beautiful
13:33:18 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
Is Nun what they call the “Primordial Waters?”
13:33:54 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
Just trying to get a deeper understanding of where we are in the sky
13:34:39 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
13:35:26 From Michelle Burns to Everyone:
sacral chakra ruled by Jupiter and Neptune…
13:43:19 From Sonia to Everyone:
Reacted to “today i had a walk a…” with 😍
14:06:24 From Tara Kinden Co. to Everyone:
Thank you so much. I’m so happy I made it live. I have to hop off early 🙂
14:07:00 From annettesonderbyhansen to Everyone:
Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
14:07:01 From Laura Altman to Everyone:
Thank you!
14:07:23 From terrislivka to Everyone:
Beautiful! Thanks so much!
14:11:16 From Laura Altman to Everyone:
That makes sense to me integrating them both
14:11:41 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
Can Cayelin speak to Nun..The Primordial Waters?…I think thesis where we are now in the skies?
14:26:00 From Michelle Burns to Everyone:
Thank you!
14:26:14 From Devi to Everyone:
I have to go but thank you
14:26:22 From Sharon Wright to Everyone:
Thank you I also have to run today
14:27:11 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
I have it void of course from the 25 to the 27th. Mars in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus…Jupiter sextile Saturn in Pisces helps this square be more productive I think


Class Video and PDF will be posted here once the LIVE class is complete.

Sacral Chakra Meditation Audio - 18 minutes

by Cayelin K Castell

To download the Sacral Chakra Venus Meditation audio Right Click

Morning Star Venus Temple Sacral Chakra Journey - 15 minutes

by Cayelin K Castell

Toning Links

Find more links and an Introductory Video
from Claudette
on Chakra Toning at link below


Clicking on the image to the right to see high res quality

Sacral Chakra Toning Practices PDF


Sacral Chakra Toning Video below the February Cross Quarter Video exploring the astronomy and astrology of any February Cross Quarter a.k.a. Imbolc or Candlemas

This 21 minute video on the Story of Stuff helps us understand
the OLD story of how our economics have been created
with insights on how to intelligently create a NEW story.