Making Peace with
the Dark Goddess
And the Ascent Journey
by Cayelin K Castell
March 25, 2021 Venus and the Sun (05 Aries) are exactly conjunct in an underworld initiation that began on February 13 and lasts until May 03, 2021 when Venus rises into the evening sky as the Gemini Meta Goddess begins her ascent to reclaim her true self.
In the descent and underworld time Venus (the Goddess) releases and transforms all the distortions she has about herself relating to each of the chakras.
When Venus rises into the evening sky she is a fully initiated Goddess having gone through a shamanic death and rebirth. She is rising up into who she truly is as a Self-Sufficient, Confident, Wise, Rainbow Goddess, playful, magical and telling NEW Stories that inspire a NEW way of experiencing this reality. If we have been paying attention to this journey (and even if we haven’t) this is true for us all.
In the Underworld, Venus/Inanna comes face to face with her sister Ereshkigal, the Dark Goddess, Queen of the Underworld. This phase of the Inanna journey is a magnificent opportunity to explore whatever we have disowned or denied within ourselves.
It is a time to also grieve any losses we have encountered including the loss of self, the loss of misconceptions, the loss of limiting perspectives and beliefs, and the loss of who we thought we were.
Face to Face with Our Dark Side
At first the Dark Goddess is terrifying. Erishkigal is angry, filled with her own pain, her own immense losses and grief that she expresses as rage toward her sister Inanna. She fixes
the eye of Death on Inanna, strikes her dead and hangs her on the wall as if her dead sister is her triumphant revenge trophy.
The story goes onto describe the Dark Goddess surrendering to her grief, frustration and lament. Two beings sent to the underworld arrive in time to witness the Dark Goddess expressing her pain. Erishkigal finds her feelings are being witnessed and reflected back to her, without judgment. She feels understood, heard, gotten! She feels healed from the deep agony of her pain. In a sense she too is reborn.
You can read the Inanna Story HERE
Making Peace With The Dark Goddess is as simple as acknowledging and honoring the pain we have all felt and buried inside. The underworld time is a time to honor and engage all the hurt and pain, guilt and shame, fear and blame we have not fully acknowledged within ourselves for the purpose of releasing it, transforming it, and ultimately no longer being at the affect of it.
Being willing to Face the Dark Goddess and being willing to offer up the pain, frustration, wounding, trauma, fear of not being good enough, or not being loved, or not having enough, or not being enough or whatever it is – facilitates the intended initiation and transformation needed for the Goddess (YOU – either the emerging feminine self or for men your intended inner connection to the feminine within) to return in her full glory.
No matter how accomplished we are in the outer world, no matter how much philanthropic work we do, no matter how kind and caring we are toward others, until we can accept and acknowledge the deep, dark, scary places within, we will always be at the effect of this pain within our own inner Dark Goddess.
When we can face her, cry with her, rage with her, feel what we feel with her, kick, scream, yell, cuss, vent, hit a pillow, or express in ways that are safe – not directing it at someone because as much as it may feel like it is about someone else, this is about you – then we are liberated and free to express our genuine essence buried under all that pain.
The Wisdom that originally orchestrated Inanna’s descent into the underworld also arranges her return. This story is a profound teaching that describes what is needed to successfully navigate the initiations of life we all go through.
As Inanna passed through the gates of initiation into the Underworld she encountered her shadow parts – the uncertainties and inconsistencies she carried inside – giving them all up to the gatekeepers when she turned over each vestment symbolizing a specific chakra, surrendering all the distortions connected to that chakra energy.
This is the underworld initiation of death and rebirth that we all encounter. This is the gift of Inanna’s journey as she faces her own shadow, her own dark goddess that is a part of us all
Rebirth through Surrender
The Dark Goddess resides in everyone and when we finally embrace her, acknowledge her, and allow her to heal – we are reborn anew! Surrender is key to this part of the initiation process. It is through the wisdom of surrender and trusting the death and rebirth process that brings us through this passage to a whole new more empowered and magical way of being. And so it IS!!!!
When Venus rises into the evening sky this represents the phase of the journey where the Divine Feminine is beginning to reclaim her true self without all the distortions she had been conditioned to believe were true but never were actually true.
Each Venus Moon conjunction in the evening sky represents Inanna reclaiming a NEW healthy connection with what she had to surrendered – being reborn anew within her, within us.
Questions to Ponder As the Goddess Rises
During the time the Venus is traveling with the Sun representing the underworld initiation it helps to consider what new awareness is being illuminated for you around your personal shadow issues.
Picking one or more of these questions to ponder and meditate on, journal around, engage in a conscious way – is a powerful way to gain insights and understanding about where you are in this initiation process. You might also choose to create your own questions or modify these in way that works for you.
In what ways do I still feel in the dark about my life path, who I AM, and what is next for me?
What have I resisted looking at within myself that still needs my attention and awareness?
What would it take for me to rise into the light of awareness and fully trust this journey of awakening and empowerment?
What have I embraced and transformed that has led to even deeper understanding and healing for me?
What new possibilities can I now explore that reflects my true self, my purpose, and the gifts I have to offer?
A Collective Perspective
Clearly, the darkness of hatred, pain, and suffering have been in heightened evidence on the world stage. This is a reflection for us all – because if it is something we are seeing outside of ourselves, it is in some way within us. When we transform within it will be reflected in our outer world. Maybe at first it is only our immediate world and what better place to begin?
How can we access and transform this pain within ourselves? Knowing when we heal it within – it also helps to heal the greater collective.
Are You Ready?
Ways to Further Engage these Mysteries
We would love to have you join Us for the Ascent Journey as the Newly Reborn Raubbkiw Goddess rises up through the Chakra Gates reclaiming who she truly IS. This is an eight month ceremonial journey with a magical, fun community of women and men.
This ceremonial journey is especially designed to cultivate a deeper more fulfilling and magical relationship with ourselves (and therefore others) through greater self-love and understanding of our true divine nature.
Details are here
AND take advantage of our repackaged
Venus Signature Series
In this 14 class series you will discover your:
- Personal MetaGoddess
- Your personal Venus Star Phase and Inner Star Phase at birth
- Where you are located in this great mythic tale that still deeply informs and guides us in these times.
- Venus as it relates to the Moon, Sun, and Ascendant
- Your Outer Planet Guides and Initiators
All this takes you deep into the subtleties of your personal Venus Signature adding a deeply profound and expanded understanding of your personal natal Venus sign and the intent you are here to engage, explore and express.
Brilliant! I especially love the questions you provided. I am looking at being in the dark about my life and what is next. Not an easy place to be for me, though opening to the possibilities gives me hope!
Thank you Vera! You are an inspiration to all those in the same place as you!
This makes so much sense as I have been facing my own angry external Dark Goddess. Now I see she is me and I haven’t allowed her space to express. This is so helpful.
Wow Jackson yes she is you and she needs room to express. Love that you got that!
Perfect timing for me to read this as I have been having my own dark night of the soul experience and now I see its connected to the Dark Goddess. I am encouraged to be rising into a new me! Thank you!!!
Thank you for sharing Denise!
Holy Goddess Rising! Thank you for this most supportive and timely article. It has helped me more than I can ever adequately express! What a great time to be alive and connected to these mysteries…
Thank you for sharing Tori and that it was timely for you!
Loving the Dark Goddess within me and so grateful for what you have shared here!
It seems you totally got the intent of this article. Thank you for sharing.
As a man I appreciate this look at the Dark Goddess and the buried pain I have felt within myself and the women in my life. This just makes so much sense! Thank you!!!
Gary thank you for your courage to post a comment from the masculine perspective. We have found this journey to be life changing for men!
Hi my name is Deanna Brady and I love what you have shared about making peace with the Dark Goddess. It speaks directly to my experience! Thank you…
Thank you Deanna so happy this speaks to you!