Cayelin Tami and Sekhmet

Cayelin and Tami with Sekhmet

Journeying With the Leo Goddess
as Divine Sovereign Queen
Ascending through Inanna’s Seven Gates

No Previous Knowledge of Astrology Is Necessarya
to Be a Part of This Remarkable Journey!

Women, are you ready to step into your Divine Feminine Power, to claim your True Identity as Loving, Sovereign Queen? Men, are you ready to claim Radiant, Radical Self-love through the Embrace of the Goddess?  

Join Cayelin Castell and Tami Brunk on a guided journey through the Leo Venus Evening Star Cycle, a profound initiation of ascent and rebirth.

I have so LOVED the “Venus Leo Morning Star Series” You both are so brilliant and so caring 🙂 !!! I feel so blessed and fortunate to have the opportunity to have you two as my beloved guides… THANK YOU beyond words!!! Diane

The tale of the Sumerian Goddess Inanna is literally patterned after the Venus Cycle and over the course of this Evening Star Venus Teleclass Series you will be given a rare opportunity to recreate this sacred ceremony in your own life.

I am so glad I am taking this course and am in this community. It probably has saved my sanity and brought me such pleasure in learning the story of Inanna. Having this teaching has made the journey into the underworld through the chakras so rich. I have so loved what you have shared here…~Adele Michal

Cayelin and Tami with Moon Venus and Jupiter

Faywood Hotsprings Venus Crown Chakra Ceremony

Evening Star Venus Teleclass Series

July 2016 to March 2017 we engage the Evening Star Ascent through Inanna’s Seven Chakra Gates to reclaim our full power at each Chakra to support the complete empowerment and full expression of the Leo Goddess in our lives and in our world. At each gate you will again be provided tools, meditations, information and other ways of making the most of this powerful ascent process as Inanna regains the vestments she released on her way to the underworld.

During the Ascent the intent is to reclaim and regain a healthy relationship with each chakra energy, therefore it is a time of resurrection and renewal. So the Evening Star Teleclass Series has a ceremonial focus to support the intent of this part of the cycle, that is further magnified by our collective intention.

Thank you again for guiding us on this most incredible journey. ~ Lyn

Is this Venus Teleclass for You?
This course is open to both men and women desiring a deeper connection to the divine feminine wisdom as expressed through Venus. The power of this series, amplified by our collective intention, provides a profound alchemical connection with Venus even if you are not in a personal Venus return.

This Tele-Class Journey is for you IF:

  • You are in an 8 year Venus Return (Find Out HERE)
  • You have significant Leo on your natal chart (Moon, Sun, Ascendant, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, North Node)
  • You are learning or desiring to experience a deeper sense of self love and personal sovereignty as an expression of the divine feminine within you
  • You would like community support and to participate in an ancient ceremonial practice honoring the divine feminine in ways that work for our current time
  • You desire to explore a direct and personally empowering experience of the Venus Cycle in all her phases and possibilities

This series is transformative for ANYONE desiring to experience living ceremony through the Venus Moon cycle. Over the years we have found that working with the Venus Cycle is life-changing so you will NOT want to miss this opportunity.

I am grateful for this circle, and the energy and intention of self-love that we are holding. ~ Tatiana


Venus Crown Chakra Ceremony at Faywood

Here’s What you Will Receive

  • Monthly Live and Recorded (if you can’t make the live class or want to relisten later) 90 minute Tele-class with ceremonies designed for each Chakra Gate. If you can make the live class there is time for Q and A or you can email questions before the class.
  • Pre-recorded Guided Meditation for each Chakra Gate
  • Beautiful PDF Handout with Star Maps for the Venus Gates, Chakra Information, Ceremonial Suggestions etc.
  • Suggested Deepening Practices or Homeplay
  • The option to have a Venus Buddy to journey with for the duration of the cycle
  • Access to a Private Facebook Page where you can post your insights, ask questions and get support as well as see what others are sharing
  • 50 minute Bonus Video describing the Venus Cycle and how it relates to the Inanna Story
  • Venus Audio and PDF Package bonus. This bonus includes the most essential background information about the 19 month Venus Cycle with a look at the Sun through the signs as seasons and is valued at $97.

Thank you beautiful, powerful, so very present and potent Leo Morning Star Venus Community and all the support that encircles us from Above and Below. ~ Elizabeth


Faywood Standing Stones Group June 2015

When it Begins

The introductory Evening Star Series call is Sunday, July 31, 2016 at 10:00 am PDT, followed by monthly calls through February 2017 with specific dates listed below. Listed time of the class are all Pacific Time so be sure to adjust for your time zone. Call in information will be provided prior to each call. Be sure to Note a few Date Changes.

Jul 31, Sunday 10:00 AM PDT
Aug 31, Wednesday 05:00 PM PDT
Video for 3rd Chakra Posted September 3
Oct 03, Monday 05:00 PM PDT a Q and A call
Nov 01, Tuesday 05:00 PM PDT
Nov 27, Sunday 10:00 AM PST
Dec 27, Tuesday 05:00 PM PST
Jan 26, Thursday 05:00 PM PST (Date Change)
Feb 20, Monday 05:00 PM PST

From: Alisé A <>

We are all in this together. It is a trying yet promising time in the world. Women joining hearts is a powerful force of beauty. I’ve had a lot of wounding from women in my life. This strong, beautiful circle is offering such healing of old wounds. Surely, the divine feminine energy from our collective is radiating to others as we each move about in our daily lives.

Tami and CayelinAbout the Facilitators 

Cayelin Castell is a Divine Creation High Priestess and co-founder of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School with twenty years of experience guiding clients and students through Venus Return Cycles.

Master Shamanic Astrologer Tami Brunk has conducted in-depth research into the Venus Return Cycle and first led in person circles through the entire Venus Synodic Cycle via the Inanna Descent myth.

Cayelin that meditation was incredibly powerful…wow – just wanted to honour the magic of that!! And to both you ladies Tami/Cayelin – thank you for the teaching, the classes, holding the space…it has been beautiful, big juicy, and profound for me (for everyone I am sure!!)… got so much from it! JUST WANTED TO SEND THE LOVE BACK XXX Kyrona

Class Tuition

Special Note: Bronze, Gold and Platinum Members of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School (SAMS) receive a special rate for this class as a thank you for supporting the School. Members received an email with a link for sign-up. If you are a new member or you no longer have the link contact us at and we will send you the link.

Thank you for the wonderful class. You always give more and take us deeper! Mary

In addition to the special tuition for SAMS members a portion of the proceeds from this class goes to support the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School a 501 (c) 3 educational non-profit. Find out more or sign up for Membership HERE.

There are two payment options including a 3-payment plan, or the option to pay in full and save $28.
Scroll down for the 3 payment option.

Evening Star Series $297

If you have NOT taken the Leo Venus Morning Star Series, we are offering a Full Package Special HERE.

If the email address connected to your PayPal account is NOT your preferred email address to receive class communication please email Tami at with your preferred email address. Thank you!
If you have any other questions email Tami at and Cayelin at

*If new to the Venus Tele-class series you will receive Cayelin Castell’s Venus Audio and PDF Package bonus when paid in full. This bonus includes the most essential background information about the 18 month Venus Cycle with a look at the Sun through the signs as seasons and is valued at $97.

Inspiration for this course came from Daniel Giamario’s research into the Venus Synodic Cycle as it relates to the ancient Sumerian Descent Myth of Inanna.

3 Payment Plan includes three payments of $108 each
You will be automatically billed monthly for 3 months

This call was fun! I needed this positive insight and all the sharing. I agree with the caller about feeling so connected to everyone. I do the same thing, envision everyone taking this journey with me…whenever I see beauty. Thank you.

Check out our Current Class

Journeying With the
Aries Goddess
as Wild Warrior Woman
Restoring the
Cosmic Balance
Ascending through
Inanna’s Seven Gates

Explore Your Venus Signature!

How would it feel and what would it take to fully enliven your Inner Goddess so she is guiding you toward fulfilling your soul’s purpose?

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