Throat Chakra 3rd Gate
5th Chakra Morning Star Libra 2019 PDF
Dreaming into Wholeness with Ophuichus – The Serpent Bearer Story
The Magical Stars (Behenian Stars including Vega)
Vega Former Pole Star And Vulture Medicine
Throat Chakra Morning Star Libra Home Play
Ix- Day of the Jaguar
Note: it may take a minute for the audios to load.
Throat Chakra Class
To download the class audio Right Click and select Save File As
Throat Chakra Meditation
To download the Venus Morning Star Throat Chakra Meditation Right Click and Select “Save As File”
Throat Chakra Release Video
Invoking Magic at the Throat Chakra – Song starts 20 secs in
Come take my hand
You should know me
I’ve always been in your mind
You know I will be kind
I’ll be guiding you
Building your dream
Has to start now
There’s no other road to take
You won’t make a mistake
I’ll be guiding you
You have to believe – We are magic
Nothing can stand in our way
You have to believe- We are magic
Don’t let your aim ever stray
And if all your hopes survive
Destiny will arrive
I’ll bring all your dreams alive – For you
I’ll bring all your dreams alive – For you
From where I stand
You are home free
The planets align so rare
There’s promise in the air
And I’m guiding you
Through every turn
I’ll be near you
I’ll come any time you call
I’ll catch you when you fall
I’ll be guiding you
Chorus Repeats
The 4 Agreements Can help us improve our Communication Skills
The first three agreements are a great guideline around this. Especially noting the connection between Not taking things personally and not making assumptions. When we are triggered and hurt by what we think someone said – we have first taken it personally and second made an assumption that what we heard is what was meant.
It is a great reminder to deepen the conversation by asking for clarity for what the other person meant rather than just reacting to what we heard.
In some cases, what they said and what we heard may be exactly what was intended. In that case, our opportunity is to again not take it personally – even if was intended that way – and take that opportunity to see what part of it (if any) may be true?
Here you can create the content that will be used within the module.