Solar Plexus Chakra Morning Star 5th Gate
Venus gate on Jan 8, 2023
Solar Plexus Morning Star LIVE Class video
Download or View the PDF from class here
Chat from Live class
12:12:20 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
wow… exactly conjunct my sun!!
12:13:46 From Genevieve Chavez Mitchell to Everyone:
what time in Mountain Time?
12:25:10 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
Ras Alhague was in paren with my natal Jupiter in my star birth chart and moved into an energetic connection in this time of my life. My OB Cancer Moon and Capricorn Chiron and AC to just name a few!I…there more! I need to get a reading right now ! There are just too many points being activated in my star chart.
12:26:14 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
0 Capricorn Chiron here! OH BOY!
12:27:43 From Teresa Kelly (she/her) to Everyone:
It has been in Capricorn 4-Ever….LOL
12:31:56 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
Yes Kelly! 4-EVER!
12:35:17 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
My daughter’s birthday is on Jan.18. with an Aquarian Mercury!…So appreciative of this information!
12:40:09 From Saraeko to Everyone:
Wow I would love to join for this book
12:45:18 From Ilene Goldstein to Everyone:
Autumn is also the artist for Alana Fairchild’s Sacred Rebel Oracle deck and others
12:46:08 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
I love her paintings so much!! <3
12:46:30 From Saraeko to Everyone:
Replying to “Autumn is also the a…”
Love oracle decks, thanks for sharing
12:49:02 From Daniela Caronia to Everyone:
we inherit the mitocondrial DNA only from the mother, so they come from our feminine lineage
12:49:21 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
Wow that is so fascinating… that it comes through our mother-line
12:49:56 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
Beautiful Deborah..thanks for the reminder
12:50:29 From Teresa Kelly (she/her) to Everyone:
The mitochondria and the Capricorn image with the tree rings made me think of this book : Finding the Mother Tree by Suzanne Simard. She did research on the forest and the relationships between trees and other organisms, and how they connect on the cellular level.
12:51:01 From Saraeko to Everyone:
Healthy Feminine energy is so important on so many levels, wow. Thanks for reminder.
12:51:13 From Sharon Wright to Everyone:
I have been working on soul groups from my matriarchal line, several of us have the same asc/des
12:51:22 From Sharon Wright to Everyone:
Ic and mc
12:52:11 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
Reacted to “The mitochondria and…” with 💖
12:52:14 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
me too…its fascinating and illuminating
12:53:02 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
So so fascinating to see the common threads in our mother-lines astrologically… My mother and I have the same Moon in Pisces square Saturn in Sag.
12:54:26 From Victoria P to Everyone:
My mother and I share same degree and close minute on Venus at 26 Libra 36…
12:54:54 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
WOWOW!! So amazing Victoria!
12:55:24 From Genevieve Chavez Mitchell to Everyone:
Reacted to “The mitochondria and…” with 👍🏽
12:56:05 From Sharon Wright to Everyone:
Me, mom, grand mother have same asc/desc/ic/mh but I have Pluto and Chiron which activates those angles so working that to heal or change that soul group to something beneficial
12:56:33 From Teresa Kelly (she/her) to Everyone:
I resonate with the small steps. I tend to decide to do a lot of things at once and end up losing all of them. So being mindful of one thing at a time…and practice.
12:56:46 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
Reacted to “Me, mom, grand mothe…” with 💖
12:56:59 From Victoria P to Everyone:
Reacted to “Me, mom, grand mot…” with ❤️
12:57:40 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
I was born at my mother, grandmothers and fathers Saturn returns so we all have the same Saturn!! All so, so fascinating! 💖
12:58:14 From Sharon Wright to Everyone:
It is, we should chat at some point
12:58:31 From Ilene’s iphone (2) to Everyone:
My WIFI died and finally I was able to log on with phone.
12:58:41 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
Reacted to “It is, we should cha…” with 👍
12:59:07 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
Who is the artist of the Isis Painting here???
12:59:53 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
In my line so far we have Aquarian mercury repeats , lots of air! Also interestingly Virgo which is my South node. I’m very clear that with my Pisces North node in the 2nd house I am clearing the matriarchal Virgo DNA line …among other things involving other signs.
12:59:54 From Saraeko to Everyone:
Deep Love and Respect for Goddesss Isis
13:00:03 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
I was ordained through the Fellowship of Isis years ago!! She is a most amazing Divine Mother Goddess!!
13:02:30 From Genevieve Chavez Mitchell to Everyone:
Reacted to “I was ordained throu…” with 💜
13:02:55 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
Year of the WOOD Dragon!!
13:03:04 From Genevieve Chavez Mitchell to Everyone:
Reacted to “Year of the WOOD Dra…” with 👍🏽
13:03:17 From Sheridan Semple (she/her) to Everyone:
Deborah I just looked for the image again and found the artist! Kolongi Brathwaite!
13:03:24 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
I so so love the dragon mothers!!!
13:04:28 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
Thanks Sheridan!!!
13:04:47 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
Dragons are ancient guardians of the Earth!! and all the Elements!!
13:06:13 From Teresa Kelly (she/her) to Everyone:
My daughter’s favorite movie was Dragonheart. Sweet story.
13:07:15 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
Ha,Ha my granddaughter and I had a spontaneous dress up dance party… we draped ourselves in feathers, flowers dragons and snakes.
13:07:18 From Bethany to Everyone:
So the patriarchy told the story that they were the ‘heroes’ in slaying the dragon (disconnecting themselves from Feminine Divine)… and then spun the story that they were saving us… from ourselves… Hmm… very suspect story!
13:07:34 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
Wow… would love to see that movie!!
13:07:48 From Bethany to Everyone:
Reacted to “Dragons are ancient …” with 💜
13:08:55 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
Is this also where the Rock Rose Bach Flower Essence comes from?? It is used for healing terror!!
13:08:56 From Teresa Kelly (she/her) to Everyone:
Another is an anime’ Spirited Away.
13:09:08 From Bethany to Everyone:
Reacted to “Another is an anime’…” with 💜
13:09:27 From Teresa Kelly (she/her) to Everyone:
I love having the essences to incorporate…
13:09:31 From Daniela Caronia to Everyone:
where I live is full of this beautiful flower…i love his oil and use a lot
13:09:41 From Sheridan Semple (she/her) to Everyone:
Yes, rock rose is cistus!
13:09:54 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
The red drops on the flower look like Moon blood
13:10:37 From Bethany to Everyone:
Replying to “So the patriarchy to…”
(Saying they were saving us because of “saving the princess”…
13:11:20 From Lafae to Everyone:
so beautiful! does the mediterranean climate mean it may grow in the la/san diego area?
13:11:44 From Sharon Wright to Everyone:
Love that art deco ish picture
13:28:20 From Sonia to Everyone:
Amazing, feeling powerful and beautiful energy, Thank You! ❤️
13:28:22 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
Thank you for the beautiful meditation!!
13:28:36 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
Reacted to “Amazing, feeling pow…” with 💖
13:28:46 From Drewsila to Everyone:
Beautiful Sheridan–Thank You!
13:28:48 From jen to Everyone:
Thank you!
13:29:14 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
Thank you Sheridan…powerful
13:29:15 From Marcy’s iPhone to Everyone:
Have to head out. Blessings!!
13:30:33 From Lafae to Everyone:
Thank you all for co creating this wonderful space. Signing off and many blessings! <3
13:31:13 From Sonia to Everyone:
Reacted to “Thank you all for co…” with ❤️
13:32:14 From Bethany to Everyone:
Name + Where From
How are you practicing self-love?
What has been your experience with the Heart Chakra Gate?
Share you intention for the Solar Plexus Gate.
13:48:41 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
Can you explain Occultation again??
13:49:33 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
Congratulations Genevieve!!!
13:50:28 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
Who are they??
13:51:00 From Genevieve Chavez Mitchell to Everyone:
13:51:28 From Genevieve Chavez Mitchell to Everyone:
13:51:42 From Genevieve Chavez Mitchell to Everyone:
13:51:48 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
AWESOME!! Thank you!!
13:52:12 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
Thanks Genevieve for the info!
13:52:13 From Genevieve Chavez Mitchell to Everyone:
13:52:47 From Sheridan Semple (she/her) to Everyone:
Thanks Genevieve!
13:53:08 From Marcia C to Everyone:
So grateful for this information Genevieve. It is an answer to a prayer I had earlier today!
13:53:16 From Genevieve Chavez Mitchell to Everyone:
Reacted to “So grateful for this…” with 💜
13:53:22 From Genevieve Chavez Mitchell to Everyone:
Reacted to “Thanks Genevieve!” with 💜
13:53:28 From Genevieve Chavez Mitchell to Everyone:
Reacted to “Thanks Genevieve for…” with 💜
13:53:32 From Genevieve Chavez Mitchell to Everyone:
Reacted to “AWESOME!! Thank you!…” with 💜
13:54:12 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
Thank you Ian and Sonia for your presence in our breakout group
13:54:57 From Deborah El’elia Tallarico to Everyone:
Blessings to you Ariana!! 💖
13:55:12 From Sonia to Everyone:
Reacted to “Thank you Ian and So…” with ❤️
13:56:38 From Sonia to Everyone:
Replying to “Thank you Ian and So…”
So Beautiful and inspiring sharing, Thank You both lovely Pisces hearts!! ❤️
13:57:33 From Genevieve Chavez Mitchell to Everyone:
Blessings all!
13:59:33 From Camille Sun to Everyone:
How beautiful! Thank you for the sharing and support. Love and light to you all ♥️✨. Gotta go for now….
14:00:14 From Julia to Everyone:
Reacted to How beautiful! Thank… with “🌹”
14:01:17 From Sharon Wright to Everyone:
Thanks every one. I have to run
14:01:34 From Teresa Kelly (she/her) to Everyone:
love love love
Note the audios below may take a moment to load
Solar Plexus Morning Star Meditation - 16.5 minutes
Morning Star Venus Temple Solar Plexus - 12 minutes
To download the Solar Plexus Venus Third Chakra Meditation audio Right Click Here
Additional Resources For a Deeper Dive

The Doing Addiction Insights PDF
Sekhmet Invocation and Mantra
Using the Violet Flame for Solar Plexus Clearing
Links worth checking out:
Overcoming Procrastination
The Four Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss…the PDF is no longer accessible but here is a summary
Joanna Macy:
How to Feel Less Powerless by Deepok Chopra
Blessed Unrest, by Paul Hawken
The Impossible Will Take a Little While by Paul Loeb
Hopi Snake Dance Article
The Ascent of Woman Docuseries takes a deep dive into how women have been disempowered historically, focusing on women of the past who found ways to powerfully express in spite of the suppression and oppression they faced – sometimes in very masculine and dominating ways. This reminds us that forgiveness of these atrocities is the key to reclaiming our personal power.
The episodes are NOT currently available in 2022 but may become available again.
Here is the link to the website
AND here is the BBC link to the series
Below are videos are on the Third Chakra Mudra, Chant and Toning
Below is another Mudra for the Solar Plexus Chakra
An image of this Mudra wasn’t available
but is an easy, fun one to do!
Toning Links
Find more links and an Introductory Video
from Claudette
on Chakra Toning see link below
Clicking on the image to the right to see high res quality
Solar Plexus 5th Gate Toning PDF
Below is Cayelin’s video featuring the Mysteries of the 19-Year Lunar Standstill