Venus Alchemy Free Webinar: Underworld Venus Initiation

A Special FREE Webinar with Cayelin Castell and Tami Brunk

Recorded Live on Tuesday, January 09, 5 pm Pacific, 8 pm Eastern

Video posted below along with information on the Violet Flame as requested by Tami.

Cayelin Shares: This is part of my morning practice. I usually do this while lying in bed before getting up and sometimes during the day if I feel I am getting bogged down in these lower vibrational frequencies. I imagine the violet flame blazing through my body and then I say this out loud with the intent (saying this out loud too) that any lower vibrational frequencies energies within me are being transformed to Love and Above. If you want to read more full article on the Violet Flame is here.

Thank you, Thank you St Germain
For the healing power of the violet flame.
I offer up all my hurt and all my pain,
All my guilt and all my shame,
All my fear and all my blame,
To the transforming power of the violet flame.

AND here is the article on All Planets Direct mentioned in the webinar last night.

PDF of Slides Used in the 2018 FREE Venus in Aries Underworld Webinar

Cayelin Castell is a Divine Creation High Priestess and co-founder of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School. In 2014 Cayelin co-created and collaborated with Tami Brunk to create Venus Alchemy,  celebrating and working ceremonially with the 19 month cycle of Venus as it relates to the story of Inanna. This was inspired by having led many clients through their Venus Return cycles for over 20 years. Find out more about Cayelin HERE and our next Venus Class starting in April HERE


Tami Brunk

Fully Certified Shamanic Astrologer and past president of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School, Tami Brunk has conducted in-depth research into the Venus Return Cycle and was the first to lead live circles through the entire Venus Synodic Cycle via the Inanna Descent myth.  She is a fully certified Active Dream Teacher in Robert Moss’s program and co-founder of Venus Alchemy with Cayelin. Find out more about Tami HERE 

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Journeying With the
Aries Goddess
as Wild Warrior Woman
Restoring the
Cosmic Balance
Ascending through
Inanna’s Seven Gates

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