Dear Venus Ceremonial Class Participants,

We are thrilled you are joining us for this powerful Venus Series!

Resources to get you started along with the live class schedule and call information are at this link (or will be soon)

Password​ to access the page is​ relationship magic
Be sure to enter this password exactly as shown here – with only one space and no caps. Any deviations and it won’t let get into the page.

We recommend you save this link as all the content will be accessible from here through​out​ the ​
Evening Star Series. 

We thank you for NOT sharing this information with anyone who is not signed up this class.

Preparation for the Series
If this is your first time taking our Venus Alchemy Ceremonial Series, we recommend preparing for the first class and the entire series by watching our video detailing the ​Venus Synodic Cycle and the Video on Reclaiming the Root Chakra. These two videos are the most important as preparation.

Also helpful are the audio meditations including the Meet Your Grandmother Guide Meditation, the Venus Temple Guided Meditation,
the Sky Temple Guided Journey, and the Tuning into your Chakras meditation.

If you have already seen the videos and listened to the audios you may find them helpful to review before the class begins.

We are excited to journey with you.

​Venus Love, Light and ​Blessings!


Check out our Current Class

Journeying with the
Libra Relational Goddess
Maintaining the Cosmic Balance
Descending through
Inanna’s Seven Gates

Explore Your Venus Signature!

How would it feel and what would it take to fully enliven your Inner Goddess so she is guiding you toward fulfilling your soul’s purpose?

Contact Us

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