8th Gate Death by Intent
Earth Star Chakra
Gate and Chakra Video — recorded new with Cayelin and Sheridan
8th gate Earth Star Chakra Venus Gate PDF for below Video
Chat from live class
14:09:51 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
Right as always Cayelin Venus moves into Aries on the 4th
14:20:03 From Camille Sun to Everyone:
Thank you for the education Sheridan. Love learning!
14:20:11 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
Thanks Sheridan…I get it.. but I would never be able to put it into words!
14:20:58 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
Graphics are AMAZING
14:45:33 From Paula to Everyone:
sounds like Kali
14:50:58 From Kim to Everyone:
May 17 = my bday! That’ll be easy to remember!!
14:51:48 From Saraeko to Everyone:
Wow early Solar Return
14:52:12 From Kim to Everyone:
Reacted to “Wow early Solar Retu…” with ❤️
14:53:04 From Arianna to Everyone:
i didn’t sleep at all….my nervous system was totally frayed and zinging….
14:54:05 From Kim to Everyone:
Reacted to “i didn’t sleep at al…” with ❤️
14:55:22 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
I spent ALL last night working on my chart…in my sleep! CHIRON mostly!…kept going over the same Chiron stuff…almost like Chiron was making me keep looking at my 1st house Capricorn Chiron wounding
14:55:46 From Ilene Goldstein to Everyone:
OMG Cayelin, I did something similar a couple of weeks ago with that prayer in the mirror!
14:56:10 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
Thank you Cayelin for your example.
14:57:00 From Arianna to Everyone:
anachronism of FEAR: face everything and rise
14:57:30 From Kim to Everyone:
Reacted to “anachronism of FEAR:…” with ❤️
14:57:56 From Meridith Maahs to Everyone:
I’m saying that Ho O Pono Pono as a self healing practice every night and morning ….truly powerful! Heart opening and shifting my interior self talk!
14:58:09 From Kim to Everyone:
Reacted to “I’m saying that Ho O…” with ❤️
15:18:41 From terrislivka to Everyone:
Thank you Sheridan and Capelin! This was so great.
15:18:55 From Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “I’m saying that Ho O…” with ❤️
15:19:01 From Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “anachronism of FEAR:…” with ❤️
15:19:07 From Paula to Everyone:
Reacted to “OMG Cayelin, I did s…” with ❤️
15:19:09 From Angela Benck to Everyone:
I met Dr. Hew Len and did his workshops its tranfomative
15:19:49 From Marcy Bajusz to Everyone:
Hi! I’ll have to jump! Am at work and have to wrap a few things up! Blessings!!
15:20:10 From Saraeko to Everyone:
Deep Bow of Gratitude
15:22:50 From Teresa Kelly (she/her) to Everyone:
Thank you so much! I have to hop off for now. It has been magical journeying with the group in the Morning Star path of my Venus return. ❤️🌙🌟
15:23:10 From Pat Liles to Everyone:
Gratitude to All
15:24:00 From Arianna to Everyone:
in permaculture we call it planned redundancy…..
15:24:09 From Linda Diesem to Everyone:
Thank you, Sheridan and Cayelin for such generosity of Spirit, ongoing inspiration and guidance.❤🌠🦋
15:24:13 From Teresa Kelly (she/her) to Everyone:
Reacted to “Thank you, Sheridan …” with ❤️
15:24:17 From Arianna to Everyone:
Reacted to “Thank you, Sheridan …” with ❤️
15:42:01 From jenna to Everyone:
Sharing my intention for the earth star gate – anchoring in LOVE going into the underworld.
For Additional Bonus Underworld Content
including Guided Journeys Click Here
(also listed on main class page)
Jacque Fresco was the Founder of the Venus Project.
Here is a 5 minute look at Jacque
with insights on the Venus Project.
Aries-Pisces Ceremonial Journey
Ceremonial Journeying With the Aries AND Pisces Meta-Goddess as she Descends and Ascends through the Chakra Gates.
No Previous Knowledge of Astrology is Necessary to engage this intimate and life changing initiation deepening your connection to the Sacred Feminine within and without!
Explore Your Venus Signature!
How would it feel and what would it take to further enliven your Inner Goddess so she is guiding you toward joyfully living your soul’s purpose?
Updated Venus Signature Series Now with 14 Classes
Diving Even Deeper Into
Your Personal Venus Signature.
Get Your Personal Venus Reading
Dive one on one into your specific Venus signature and astrological chart. What aspects of the Feminine are you here to learn about and share with us all?
Where does Venus fit into your entire natal chart and your Soul's evolutionary path of growth, empowerment and transformation?