Class Chat

11:37:17 From DeArah : Sekhmet
11:40:15 From Nicole Katzender : Sooooo beautifullllll
11:40:28 From Anid Rosa : love it
11:40:30 From Paula Gorelick : this warms my heart
11:41:56 From Wendy Weiss : yes yes yes. we are SO powerful!
11:43:37 From Sonia Maria, France, Provence : That’s so beautiful and inspiring! 💚💙💓💫
11:44:44 From Nicole Katzender : The throat and yoni are related
11:45:37 From Nicole Katzender : In ancient Egypt it was known that women had two mouths and They both gave birth to Creation
11:48:04 From Naraya : Free laughter yoga sessions from Laughter University Dr. Kataria every Mon, Wed, Fri 2:30pm CEST
11:59:20 From ariannashusband : it’s still really fun to create faerie houses or abodes out in nature.
12:01:09 From Nicole Katzender : I feel is very powerful time to chant Sekhmet Mantra. SA SEKHEM SAHU
12:01:24 From Nicole Katzender : Reclaiming our Power and Magical Abilities
12:02:05 From Nicole Katzender : Time to Radiate
12:02:35 From Anid Rosa : beautiful
12:07:15 From ariannashusband : Cayelin, where is the Sekhmet temple in Nevada?
12:07:35 From Cayelin : It is outside of Las Vegas, Nevada
12:11:22 From Anid Rosa : Hathor the goddess of frequency
12:14:43 From Nicole Katzender : Sekhmet-Hathor -Bastet
12:15:57 From Paula Gorelick : I had a powerful experience with her (Sekhmet) through Nicki Scully
12:16:16 From Nicole Katzender : Oh Wowww
12:18:45 From Sonia Maria, France, Provence : So beautiful to listen 💙🥰💫
12:26:02 From Sonia Maria, France, Provence : Lace you are so lovable and beautiful inside out 💕💕💕🌟🌈💫
12:28:35 From Paula Gorelick : love that – embracing my lunar ways
12:28:52 From Paula Gorelick : lunar rays? 🙂
12:31:28 From Lily : I’ve never died my hair, and started getting gray hair in my 20s. Now, women approach me asking how much have I paid for my color. Apparently, people pay a TON to get my gray hair pattern 🙂 So there is a way to be authentic, and trendy ))
12:35:19 From Paula Gorelick : thank you, Tami and Cayelin and everyone!


Evening Star Throat Chakra Overview

5th Throat Chakra Evening Star Evergreen PDF

Article on the Throat Chakra

Toning as a Guided Journey shared by Estela Bremer

September Equinox 

Sekhmet Mantra with images from the Nevada Sekhmet Temple

Throat Chakra Evening Star Meditation - 19 minutes

by Cayelin K Castell

To download the Fifth Chakra Evening Star Meditation right click HERE and select “save file or link as”

Find more links and an Introductory Video from Claudette
on Chakra Toning at link below

Throat Chakra Toning PDF from Claudette

Throat Chakra Toning Instructional Video from Claudette

Toning Tracks
Om Ah Hum – Grace  
Om Mani Padme Hum – Soul Blossom

Additional Resources

Time Magazine Article: Singing Changes your Brain

The 12 Instant Benefits of Humming Daily

“Humming” Wonder Questions and Thinking Big with Gay Hendricks

Healthy Self Love and Not Giving Your Power Away

Robert Masters The Goddess Sekhmet Pyscho Spiritual Exercises of the 5th Way PDF

Leo Ceremonial Journey

Ceremonial Journeying With the Leo Meta-Goddess as she Descends and Ascends through the Chakra Gates.

No Previous Knowledge of Astrology is Necessary to engage this intimate and life changing initiation deepening your connection to the Sacred Feminine within and without!

Explore Your Venus Signature!

How would it feel and what would it take to further enliven your Inner Goddess so she is guiding you toward joyfully living your soul’s purpose? 

Updated Venus Signature Series Now with 14 Classes
Diving Even Deeper Into
Your Personal Venus Signature. 

Get Your Personal Venus Reading

Dive one on one into your specific Venus signature and astrological chart. What aspects of the Feminine are you here to learn about and share with us all? 

Where does Venus fit into your entire natal chart and your Soul's evolutionary path of growth, empowerment and transformation?