This is from the Class Chat so we can see where class members are from etc…
From Sofia Mona Lisa : from Mount Dora, FL (one hour west of Orland)
From lacechess : Hi Lace here from Encinitas, CA.
From Trish Alexander : Bermuda
From Monica : Hi from Milano Italy
From Beck Shanks : i’m in Atlanta
From silvianne : from Madrid, New Mexico
From MJ Rice : Toronto, Canada
From Jackie : Northern California
From rebec : Rebecca Frankewing, Tennessee
From Sarah Gallant : Hi Everyone! Sarah here from Cincinnati Ohio
From Sheridan Semple : Aspen Colorado
From barbara : Barbara -Wisconsin
From melodylambert : Hi! Melody in Austin, TX
From TARA : Secwepemcul’ecw…..aka Salmon Arm, British Columbia, Canada
From kentm : wow
From barbara : Beautiful!
From Sarah Gallant : So beautiful – thank you so much!!
From KAREN : thank you! beautiful
From Sofia Mona Lisa : GORGEOUS and deeply touching. Would love to purchase a copy of the track. <3
From karen : Thank you Tara. Tears of love and joy xx
From Gerdella Moody : Our group Song
From Fay : thank was beautiful I love the honoring of the Mother ❤️
From Sofia Mona Lisa : yes, we could hear each other
From rebec : Is anyone seeing Venus yet?
From Pamela Ashley : I just tuned back in as on my computer I was waiting to go in a group. not sure what I have missed.
From Tracy’s iPhone : It’s rainy season so it’s been cloudy. Hoping to get a break soon… I have a feeling she is there!
From MJ Rice : This song came through for me in the last 10 min of the drive home and then again in that last slide about belonging!
You belong among the wildflowers
You belong in a boat out at sea
Sail away, kill off the hours
You belong somewhere you feel free
Run away, find you a lover
Go away somewhere all bright and new
I have seen no other
Who compares with you
You belong among the wildflowers
You belong in a boat out at sea
You belong with your love on your arm
You belong somewhere you feel free
Run away, go find a lover
Run away, let your heart be your guide
You deserve the deepest of cover
From Fay : love those lyrics can’t wait to hear the song.
From TARA : Yesterday it was beautiful and sunny afternoon, and I absorbed the rays of the sun…..and consciously connected to the earth and let the starlight in through my eyes…..not direct staring at the sun…..but just staring a little underneath (i think i learned this from Caylin and/or Tammi in 2014?)…….i also learned this from my Navajo sister who was getting slightly sick, and she let the sun help to heal her!!
From TARA : Just a little sharing about my day yesterday…….
From TARA : thanks!!
From Tracy’s iPhone : Guadalajara Mexico!
From Deborah El’elia Tallarico : Greater Portland, Maine
From kentm : Albuquerque
From rebec : I love the break out groups.
From kentm : and all the kitties joining us to honor Sekhmet
From Pamela Ashley : My breakout group never manifested.
From rebec : thank you, everyone!!!
From Sheridan Semple : I second that! More Zoom, more breakout groups!
From Sarah Gallant : I would too! Breakout goup was wonderful
From Deborah El’elia Tallarico : Thank you so much! Sorry I was late tonight and missed the first 40 minutes… So looking forward to deeply focusing on the Root Chakra… right when I am getting ready to uproot and move across the country! <3
From rebec : Where are you moving to?
From Deborah El’elia Tallarico : Sedona, AZ
From Gerdella Moody : loved the break out groups
From rebec : great sky!
From Deborah El’elia Tallarico : awesome sky!
From Janeace Liles : Thank you ladies for a wonderful introduction to this process! You are blessed souls!