Brow/Third Eye Chakra 2nd Gate
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6th Chakra Morning Star Gemini Third Eye 2nd Gate PDF
Scroll past the first video for the class video and additional links
Home Play for Morning Star 6th Chakra includes links and chat from the live class
Additional Links
Tonal Energy Link with Video and other links from Claudette (also below class video)
Sirius Star Magic Moon is with Sirius August 15 and Venus is with Sirius August 22
8.8. Double Infinity Time Gate also occurs on 8.17 and 8.26
More on Castor and Pollux
The Galactic Crosses as they relate to the Solstices
I am the Serpent Bearer Dream Mentioned in the 6th Chakra Release Video
Sky Woman Creation Story This is a different version of the story told in the Venus Temple Journey
AND The Magic of Ceremonial Hiking to follow up on the theme of creating and participating with Magic
6th Chakra/Brow Chakra Video – 51 minutes (re-recorded in 2020)
6th Chakra Morning Star Release PDF
Another Version of the Sky Woman Story
Find more links and a Video from Claudette at link below
2nd Gate Brow/Third Chakra PDF from Claudette:
Third Eye Chakra Journey/Meditation - 18 minutes
Venus Temple Ceremony - 3rd Eye Chakra
Leo Ceremonial Journey
Ceremonial Journeying With the Leo Meta-Goddess as she Descends and Ascends through the Chakra Gates.
No Previous Knowledge of Astrology is Necessary to engage this intimate and life changing initiation deepening your connection to the Sacred Feminine within and without!
Explore Your Venus Signature!
How would it feel and what would it take to further enliven your Inner Goddess so she is guiding you toward joyfully living your soul’s purpose?
Updated Venus Signature Series Now with 14 Classes
Diving Even Deeper Into
Your Personal Venus Signature.
Get Your Personal Venus Reading
Dive one on one into your specific Venus signature and astrological chart. What aspects of the Feminine are you here to learn about and share with us all?
Where does Venus fit into your entire natal chart and your Soul's evolutionary path of growth, empowerment and transformation?