Venus Alchemy with the Outer Planets
And Synthesizing Your Venus Signature

Venus Chart of the Original Participants and their Venus Signature

What outer planets are influencing your Venus Signature either by conjunction, square or opposition? Perhaps you have no outer planets activating your natal Venus. Perhaps you have one or more outer planets activating your natal Venus.

Considering these planets are teachers and guides, if you have outer planet influences what additional insights do they provide you about your natal Venus?

A few examples to consider…Is your natal Venus more unpredictable and unusual (Uranus)? Is it more intense/shamanic (Pluto)? Is it more sensitive/empathic or confused (Neptune)? Is it more self-critical and/or organized Saturn? See class content for more in-depth insights about each of these to help you further formulate your Venus Signature.

We highly recommend you create an overall Venus Signature using your Star Phase, Meta Goddess, Moon, Sun, Ascendant and outer planet influences as described in the Synthesis class to share in the Q & A to see if you are on track with understanding your Venus Signature?

Additional Considerations around Transits to your natal Venus?
Perhaps you have an outer Planet transit currently activating your natal Venus? For example: if you have Venus between 24 and 27 degrees of  Cancer, Capricorn, Aries or Libra, Pluto is either square opposite or conjunct by transit in 2021 and 2022. 

If you have Venus between 10 and 15 degrees of Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius or Leo Uranus is either square, opposite or conjunct by transit in 2021 into 2022.

If you have Venus between 3 and 20 degrees of Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio or Taurus you are in a Saturn Cycle. If you have Venus between 20 and 23 degrees of Pisces, Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius you are in a Neptune cycle


A helpful Template to begin your Venus Signature Synthesis

I am a(n) _________ Goddess (enter Venus Star Phase) claiming and embodying my______________ (Inner Star Phase or in-between phase).

The Meta Goddess guiding me through my inner Goddess Awakening is the _________ Goddess (enter Meta Goddess Sign).

The Ancient Goddess I have embodied (or expressed) through countless lifetimes is the __________ Goddess (enter Moon sign).

The Present and Future Goddess I am here to embody and express in all her glory is the __________ Goddess (enter Venus Sign). She is fueled or energized by _________ (enter Sun Sign).

My _________Goddess (enter Venus sign) is attending the ____________Mystery School (enter Ascendant sign).

She is guided by the wise council of_________ enter outer planet signatures.


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Venus Alchemy and the Outer Planets as Guides and Teachers

by Cayelin K Castell and Tami Brunk

To download the OUTER Planets as Guides Class Audio
Right Click HERE

Journey to the Three Worlds

by Cayelin K Castell

To Download the Three Worlds Journey Right Click HERE

Venus Alchemy Synthesis of Your Venus Signature

by Cayelin K Castell and Tami Brunk

To download the Venus Synthesis Class Audio Right Click HERE

Venus Synthesis Handouts

Venus Signature Series Synthesis PDF

Deepening Excercises for the Synthesis Class

Mary Kern’s Venus Synthesis Statement

Sarah Gallant Venus Synthesis etc.

The first minute of the audio didn’t make it on the recordings so here is the essence of what was said:

We are both excited and sad that this is our Venus Final Signature Series Class in this series. We had great fun putting together this whole course from start to finish. This has been a magical and wondrous journey beyond what we could have ever imagined and we so appreciate and value all the contributions you have all made with your presence in the class – even if you didn’t share with us, your presence made this class and all our new discoveries possible. We also appreciate all the invaluable sharing that has helped to deepen our insights into our personal and collective Venus Alchemy.

The good news is we have ideas for future classes on all the pieces we didn’t have time to cover in this class as there is even more rich material yet to explore. Please let us know what classes you would like to see offered first? We can’t promise when or what classes will be next, but we are definitely considering starting with the ones there seems to be the most interest. Inspired by the bright loving light of Venus we are so grateful for each and everyone. We LOVE US all. Cayelin and Tami

Venus Outer Planet Synthesis PDF 2020

A late submission after the creation of the PDF from Rhonda
I am a morning star priestess committed to healing Pacha Mama and all her creatures. Guided by my Scorpio meta goddess I will edgewalk to heal anywhere necessary. My ancient goddess Pisces, having a relationship with Spirit, fueled by my Cancer sun and illuminated by my Cancer Venus, providing safe, nurturing and loving space to heal all.